Show W MYSTERIES unsolved Uni tilli 1 dr iddles that still puzzle autlin aties hero here and abroad asa the death of lord bentinck ON of the fourth duke of portland SON S one of tile most famous sportsmen of ills day there ts Is little reason to wonder at the fact bilat lord wll wil print llam george frederick r reverl C k ent I 1 I 1 g it B bentinck en had a passionate love loe of sport or in ll 11 hj blood and alint dominate note in ills his brief life from the day when he fie started to late a stable of ills his own on to tile the time when tuning having foiled to win theA alie dnny he sold all ills his horses and a the 1 I li turf in despair despu lr one by one till all the prizes piles of me ine racecourse lind come to 1111 wa one exception but the lie lilue blue rib rillions lions which crown the winner of the perly derby seemed destined never to jie ie ills lie de spite the fact upon several oc cassons they appeared to ile he within his grasp so deep at last became ills chagrin at the continued contina i ed fellure of its his horses to win the grand prize pf af the racing world that lint in 19 a moment of pique lord decided to sell all Ms bis stable and remote ills his colors from the field among the horses which lord loid george disposed of nt at figures which illch N represented far lessi less than their actual value was none other obrn the great gnat surat surplice ice the winner of the next yen tears rs derby and the st leger stakes lord Beli had actually had the coveted circled prize in his hands only obly to let it go gol I 1 how keenly lie he felt the blow may lie he gathered from the following entry in the diary of lord 1 I 1 met lord george Benil nek in the library of the house of commons he fie was standing before tile shelves with a volume in ills his hand and his countenance was greatly disturbed sur stir whom he hill had parted with fill among ion 9 the rest of ills his stud lind had won that paramount stale which lind bud been the 0 object of ills his life lie ile had notting to console him find and nothing to sustain him except ills pride even een that de seated him hill before a heart which lie he kne knew w at le least gat would yield him sympathy no ne gave gae a sort of superb superb groan all my life I 1 have hae been trying for this und for what have I 1 it lie he murmured it was ns in vain aln to offer solace it Is the blue of the turf lie he softly repeated to JAIm himself self and sitting a table mill C burled hini self alf it in statistics f was tills appointment digit tile cause cau of lord bentrum Bent luM A hi or as a onoto duill play connected d with lt lans ns tile question which till all england asked when only a short time inter ills his body bodi was has found in till an open field not far from ills lionie ile he had bad risen that morning apparently full of and tin spirits and tin nl at 4 in the file afternoon had set out olit to walk cross country to thoresby lord danvers manvers Man vers est estate fite where lie ie was to spend the weekend ills his villet alet who had gone on in advil cd ance nee awaited ills hut bill when nl night ait fell tin and the alie nobleman did not put in an tippe appearance arance a searching party vins vas milde made up lip and it was as not long before one of the lie members discovered the body old cold and stiff lord bentinck had evidently hem been dead for some soine hours but bill what lind bad been the lie cause of ills his mysterious death llie lilie coroners coro neis jury after considering the evidence for some time finally greed agreed a to commit themselves and returned a verdict of derith due to tile visitation of god to wit ft it a spasm I 1 of the heart but there were many who were e by no n 0 menns means satisfied s lie d with the lie va gue ague verdict of the inquest lord bin bell had always lieen been a man of remarkable vigor agor and robust health find and lie had apparently never been feeling better than on tile the day of ills death was it likely that such a man won drop dead during a quiet ond and unexciting stroll across the country wits was it not more likely that lie he bad met some one closely i related elated to him some one inc whom rumor credited with having been alie cause of it a violent quarrel only a few fe days before and that a scene and ensued in the lie course of blitch lord george had either fall en an or had calved i a fital fatal blou unfortunately the ground had been trampled mid find nil all which might have told of such tin an en enan inter had been obliterated by the lie time the lie officers of the law arched upon tile lie scene and as tile the ve of the coroners jury gave gae un an excuse for dropping the case the truth as to whether lark bentinck was struck town oa by the hand of goil god or liy by a much more moie human agency remains one of the mysteries which will never neier be solved in bv the 13 syndicate |