Show WARNING I 1 when buying aspirin be sure it is genuine boyer bayer aspirin 1 know what you are taking to relieve that pain cold headache sore throat aspirin Is not only effective it is always safe the tablet stamped with the boyer bayer cross is reliable always the same brings prompt relief safely does not depress the heart dont take chances get the genuine product identified by the name BAYER on the th e package and the word GENUINE printed in red R quick relief fou FOB rashes eczema and all forms of itching burning du figuring ikin skin irritations agthe with Cuti eurn it hot of water dry and anoint with Cut leura ointment relief comes com es at once and h healing calling soon follows follo wt Cuti curn preparations are essential to every household boap ointment andton fand beoo tal ase aro Prop t da ft a mm IUM fleura FOR COLDS alkalinize YOUR SYSTEM doctors everywhere are prescribing this new treatment for colds begin when you feel a cold cem ceia ing take a tablespoonful tablespoon tul of phillips milk of magnesia morning morn lne noon and it nd night the first day do the same second day then only at night colds reduce the alkalinity of your system what makes you feel achy feverish weak half sick I 1 phillips milic of magnesia isal Is alkali kall in harmless palatable form if it checks the alie symptoms of 0 colds by reg restoring the alkalinity of your system relieves sour stomach indigestion gas over acidity all drugstores A real cal knife in a large advertisement in another column of this paper the remington arras arms company manufacturers of the famous remington arms and ammunition announce a new one dollar knife your local denier dealer probably carries it it if not send his name and one dollar to remington cutlery works barnum avenue bridgeport connecticut and knife will be forwarded to you A perfect christmas present for a husband or son advertisement hope Is toe the poor mans bread R 91 a 16 oi 1 ca if ic to FOR constipation PATIO N effective in shauer closes SAFE 7 scientific has your back given Civen out A bad back may warn of disordered kidneys if miserable with backache bladder irritations and getting up at night dont take chancell chanc chan esl help your kidneys at the first sign of disorder Use doans pi successful for more than 50 years endorsed by hundreds hun dreda of thousands of grateful users get t doans deans today sold by dealers rs everywhere dom 9 s ills A mom ifor the money a man saves by shaving himself he has probably wasted castoria a for CHILDRENS W th ly ailments ARE you prepared to render first aid and quick comfort the moment your youngster has haa an upset of any sort ort could you do the right thing immediately though the emergency came without warning I 1 perhaps tonight castoria is a ew C 11 mothers standby at such times there is nothing like it in emergencies and nothing better for everyday use for a sudden attack of colic or for the gentle relief of constipation to allay a feverish castoria Ca storla it is harmless to tha smallest infant doctors will tell spell pell or to soothe a fretful baby that cant sleep this pure vegetable you so go preparation is always ready you can tell from the formula on to ease an ailing youngster atlis the wrapper p er ho how mild it is and just as harr harmless aless as the recipe on h how good T for little systems temi but tho wrapper reads if you see chas chaa continue with castoria until a thild H signature itis genuine jg is grown |