Show music a gift of god music Is one of the lie fairest und most glorious gifts of god to it Is exceedingly hostile thereby many temptations and evil thoughts tire fire driven away the hie devil cannot withstand it music Is one of the best arts the notes give ghe life to the text it ii expels the syliia lilt of sadness us its one observes the ang aln saul sonic some of tile nobles and usurers imagine that thal they have saved for my gracious elector three thousand thou sund gulden yearly liy by cut cul ting down music meanwhile tile spend thirty thousand gulden in useless wis ways lii ili its place kings princes pi luces and lords must support music corll for it Is the duty of great potentates and rulers to maintain the liberal arts and laws latts t we should the boutil con to tills lilt art fr for it produces line fine and M ark luthar I uth r in ili table talk |