Show BERET TO MATCH SUIT FAVORED weightless WOOLENS APPEAL idea of the beret made of odthe the TUB loth cloth of the dress dresa blouse suit ai or which it tops tins ling completely captured capture the fancy of 0 fashions followers during the daytime hours about town at the hie smart restaurants in tact fact most everywhere that one sees a chic tillieur tall leur eur made of some one or other of the new smart novelty woolen weaves it Is almost sure to he be accompanied with a jaunty close fit ting headpiece which has been conjured of the very selfsame self saine material of course so smart a mode finds itself exploited in the environs of hol hoi 00 oo X fl t fetching suit flus beret Co lywood the carls ot america which accounts for the fact that margaret adams recently arrived from broadway Uro adwa chose to be garbed in a fetching sult plus berit beret costume when she posed for her picture which Is herewith reproduced the entire out fit Is in gray from tip to toe As a ma matter tier of information we might say that gray Is a color gaining steadily in favor true as yet it Is being worn by a select ew only however an increasing demand Is reported for gray novelty woolens and also gray furs one notes this trend to gray mixtures in the newer stripes checks and plaids now so popular for sports and about town suits especially Is gray allied with black and white they say that even the new silk prints tor for spring sp ing show a predilection pre tor for gray tones but we look too far luto into the future As to the immediate moment choose tough rough mannish woolen trim it in long haired gray fur or smooth caracal and chic la Is the word it has grown to be quite the smart thing to wear a dress of colorful and desIgn tul meaning striking plaids or checks or stripes weave topples the we are in our flay day are privileged to behold so sheer so colorful so un on so everything to be desired for smart rocks frocks such as can go most anywhere and be admired tor for their elite chic no else to style woman eat can afford to puss iniss them lightly by when chenis Is the pro proper per time ot of the day to apar the rock frock made of some one or other of the new lightweight woolen weaves erho answers morning noon or afternoon in fact any time between dawn and when the lights are anand on and being so exquisitely dainty I 1 some of the very sheer tight light woolens even een ond bad themselves altti U katins satins and silks chiff chiffons oris and velvet at dinner parties and the dance the models pictured below are of at as near we weightless ii 1 less woo ft boleus tells as weaves can an be they are just such us as the well nell dressed woman will love to wear dui ing her round of rather informal dai daf time events the genteel looking rock frock to the right Is of chifton chiffon dilima worsted in black and white an interesting item about this dress is that it ft actual ly weighs little more than a pound for the novel paris gown to the left in this illustration suzanne talbot uses sheer pink woolen tiers hers of scalloped box pl eating form a most at skirt the scallops being repeated on the deep oval collar and on the cuffs which finish the modish elbow sleeves the patent leather belt and the long suede gloves give the contrasting note dote of black which the french designer seldom omits the small chenille hot bat in black and pink Is a charming chaim lug exponent of the latest or shall we say the earliest in millinery so light and sheer are some of 0 thi hi new wool crepes cerepes it Is the alie proud as bertlon bertion of the weaver that they car it W 0 E v A A A same with a short fur jacket jai att ur or one of at plain colored ol ored flannel the beret being mude either of the novelty conlen to match the rock frock or of the fur or flannel to britch the moush modish belted lu to jacket light woolens in favor hear hear heart all women in te rested in smart for daytime frocks brocks ris the new c harvil ng weightless woolen wi iea to which fashion would c 81 nil I 1 your aur ulten iton surely this Is a season of triumph for fine rubrics ilca woven ot of fine woolen never ne v or such were known in dija of if yore lore ns as the fairylike woolens which Z M two striking costumes Coit in light woolens woolen ho he drawn through thron yli a ring it Is pos IOB sible to secure these 1 oot I I 1 ex t u res ili IH doely light tones espi esin c flatly ally in 1 pale lie blue which Is a N evorite color this ahls year conr for gowns of more or luss formal flo however wever the hie most insistent call Is for black or dark rich tones JULIA 04 1 1930 N kii ki i owr unlue |