Show IRS A WIE FROM FUNERAL OF MOTHER mrs inez adams returned from ephraim the last of the week where she had bad been called to the funeral of her mother following is an excerpt from the ephriam enterprise touching the life of we the deceased death came suddenly to the C R dorius darius family early monday morning for the third time in recent years this time taking the wife and mother of the family mrs margaret nielson dorius darius mr and mrs L orius were alone a one in in their home here sunday night ab about out two morning mrs mis dorius was up and seemed to be feling feeling fairly well except for a discord forture caused by gas in the region of her heart she went back to bed and was apparently resting when sometime between and she died suddenly the telephone were used in sending messages to his four daughters all of whom are arc living elsewhere and they came to their old home as quickly as possible miss orpha dorius darius who is teaching at west jordan was the first to arrive the other three who came later are mrs elda miller millee of salt lake city mrs mis magdaline jensen of preston idaho and mrs inez D adams of monticello besides these daughters and her widower r mrs dorius darius is survived by eleven grandchildren and the following brothers and sisters C P nielson mrs ephraim peterson and airs caroline nielson of ephraim and thomas P F nielson of paul idaho margaret nielson doriua darius was born in E ephriam pl irlam aril april 21 1861 daughter of Chrls christian tian and karen nielson she had spent her entire life here on december 11 1879 she was married to charles R dorius darius who is commonly and affectionately known a as q bishop dorius darius because of his twenty four years se service arvice as a bishop in ephriam the marriage took place in the old endowment house f in n salt sali lake city eight children were born bom i to the union only the four surviving |