Show finest parchment made in small english town in hammit hampshire england there flourishes a hand band of men engaged in making the finest parchment in the world they possess a skill that hns has been passed from father tu to son for centuries in fact before norman times men were dressing sheep skins at favant havant and their heir descendants follow the some same trade arnde at present there to Is one man w win it hit hns 9 worked at it for 75 7 years two of other er in men en have 12 62 dmd GO 00 years service bel behind aind them one of the partners in the firm Is a ma gle spring parchment making Is a long process and water plays a great part at davant havant there Is a spring of a special degree of chalkiness clin chol lUness kIness and although chemical experiments have been made no water has been produced that can rival this spring which procures pro dures a pearliness pearll ness to be found in id no other parchment |