Show MYSTERY CITY OF MEXICO IS NOW BEING EXPLORED EXPLODED built centuries ngo ago it shows trace s of several cut cultures t urea prior to aztecs azteca mexico city A prehistoric city at 0 which little Is known except th eliat a t it was UH one of the vassal kingdoms of the aztec before the spanish conquest Is if now being explored the mysterious city Is near the modern modem village of in ili tho the state of Al mexico exico 0 une c pyramid structure larger than the leht Is surrounded by ten smaller ones nil all swathed in un an ancient covering cohering of euith earth and vegetation the main pyramid once housed a temple on top tile hie bue Is surrounded by a series of of four terraces ten mes now cornfield i which formed a graduated ascent excavations already have revealed repealed that the city was built many centuries ngo various cultural tul linal groups occupied the site up to the time of the attics aate is whose bhole pottery remains attest to their there if not to ne fie tut occupation the inala pyramid lias has a stairway on the east fairly well vell preserved anil and the nails still retain portions of the plaster facing with trace of red blue block und yellow point paint the christian church of calixtra 11 laca i an all aztec name which might ho he interpreted as was I 1 hullt tit with building materials as saulles stulles t varad in ill show anthes of if neighboring villages treas ure uie idols of lay clay and stone and old pottery which they find in ili their corn foeldi A new road tends lends for the first time in their history lil story from the state stata at toluca To lira opening this area to modern traille tr tin file Arche archaeological archeological work at Is under a local department of arche established by gov filiberto rill Fill beito berto gomm |