Show A very pleasant thanksgiving ent and community dinner was given at the burn school house on Th last week when the happa quarts di visA of the girls 4 H club whose lea leader deris is miss anna peters gave their achievement day demonstration well made articles of clothing and other needle work were on exhibition all the work of the deft fingers of thise these energetic club mem bers A yell well conducted program of exercises and songs was very much appreciated by an attentive au audi dienJe enca A song composed by miss fannie red shaw especially moriis club was very sweetly rendered by its members these girls are doing wonderful work under the direction of th their ir eff efficient ident leader and we took look for great achieve ments from them in the future they have 8 successfully u completed their f first years club work and took first and second prizes on their exhibit at the dove creek fair L V shutt went to mancos tuesday with a load of tour four short horn yearlings yearnings year lings for clarence coplin which he will exhibit at the stock show held hed at that palce this week E A carpenter in his official or cr report gives the lowest temperature at 2 kelow on the night of the maximum 66 on the ath total moisture inches miss myra conn returned sunday to her high school work in cortez after spending the thanksgiving holidays with hir her i home folks mrs mis H U butt and children came down from monticello to eat their thanksgiving dinner with mr air butt at their ucolo bucolo home hoine mr and mrs lawrence spera wi who have been living on the john hadlow place at lockerby left for farmington new mexico loren wickersham and bob kincaid left monday to woi work rk at the frost saw mill on dodge point S M conn went to rico sunday to be present at the county commissioners er ace meeting ti ing 0 on n monday lee tripp was out from cortez looking after his ranch affairs on sun dy day of this week mr and mrs airs W H hansen are moving this week to a ranch near neara monticello |