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Show to Keep i STUCCO, CEMENT - and BRICK I BUILDINGS Beautiful i Both Old and New Surfaces i Here'" a practical method of peering and preserving the pod loolis of concrete, cement, MM and brick buildings. justuseMOORE'S STUCCO nd CEMENT PAINT. It adheres ad-heres tightly and provides a nnace impervious to the de-Mxtive de-Mxtive effects of weather sun, in or snow. Applies easily. Dries quickly. Equally effective s new and old exterior or jn-"j jn-"j tenor jtirfaces. Good selection of 1 colon offered. Well be glad t, explain the vantages of J this outstanding Q-m Moore specialty paint. Drop in IvEi-ii iqtime at our gfcy.&J I : store. fs Turner Building I Supply DMore efficiently powered, Fan blades are metal, with the famous Ford VVS instead of wood. More Farming Engine durable and efficient . Reel is ground driven- New Cylinder Front Sheet S ground travel determines R.'y is strongly reinforced. speed of reel Built to last D longer lasting Draper l0mm.-- ''"j&r-f Rolls are solid rubber, 1 "tJT"m' J&frs&I not just rubber covered PIPtI DMore uniform distribu- Jt lion of air blast, due to : t-lf- new Throttle Control Sttr DEARBORN-WOOD BROS. mm o) iimf b ILL) bud B U uu l! M jj Matures listed above are only six of the twenty-one neu (7 "fowmenl that make the famous Dearborn-Wood Bros. Combine now better than ever. --V. Gets crops down to and includ- ing smallest grass seed, heavy Anrthri or light yields. EasUy handled x SlMW727 by any two-plow tractor. Buy . on proo-ask us to demonstrate ' (j "Trz the advantages of this six-foot iLL'S'iSSBJiTrni cmbine th ?i - ' ilTlllimi biae features I tSnow Machinery Co., L.D. PHONE 11-J . ROOSEVELT. UTAH fOnftlCHT IMS. MARtOBM MOTOm COHrOfrATiOtt . ,TrTtnT AdvertU&ment 1 Take Your Choice Sitting around last Friday evening, eve-ning, the talk turned to the best way of getting to sleep when it seems you just can't. "The way I always do," says Sandy Johnson, "is tq breathe deep and make believe I weigh a ton." "Just throw away the pillow it works every time," says Buzz Ellis. When counting sheep came up, right away was the question : What kind of sheep? From where I sit, you could argue ar-gue 'til Doomsday and never get complete agreement on a lot of things. Now, take me. I'm all for having a glass of beer or ale on occasion. Your "sociable beverage" may be a "Coke" or buttermilk or maybe a cup of hot coffee. But enjoying our preferences is a right in this country and each of us is entitled to his own. The important im-portant thing is to respect that right in the true democratic spirit of understanding! As a matter of fact, what a tiresome old world this would be if we all did have the same likes and dislikes! I Copyright, 1950, United States Brewers Foundation J 3 -lwltllf' 4400 FARMERS KILLED I j rmlW 300,000 INJURED j DON't "CULTIVATE" ACCIDENTS I j ON YOUR FARM I . . . - A field half plowed a furrow left unturned work stopped by accident! To the farmer, working against time and weather, delay can mean the difference ; between a crop and no crop, a good year or a lean one. So accidents have no place in his schedule; they cost money, delay production and the growing 'season keeps rolling J along. 0 Yet, farming ranks third most hazardous in eight major industries. Think of it, while p 3 the death rate for all industry is 29 per 100,000 workers, in agriculture it is 55 pei 100,000! One farmer in every 15 is injured on the job! Total 4400 killed, 300,000 c 3 disabled by injury every year. a The wise farmer knows where his hazards are and avoids them. Falls, machinery and t animals account for most accidents down on the farm. Their annual cost $75,000 " a Yet, they're so easy to prevent. Just a little caution is all it takes. T fl Don't "cultivate" accidents and losses! Instead, "cultivate" safety and success! PrepareJ to co-operation with thi Vnstltnt'i Conference on HI InduttrUl Safety mi conhibutei in the public httereit by q f J J the following Roosevelt business firms B Uintah Motor Co. Cash Meat Market Fitzgerald Tractor Farmers' Co-op Service Basin Implement Co. Leslie Ashton & Sons f j Roosevelt State Bank J. V. McLea. Inc. Roosevelt Standard Roosevelt Implement , 1 ' ' ' - I n ,nrgarinrinrcgini-,J E113lttdSLll-BU-lirSrjSSlE3rlBLJ 3BL! IBI L-1BI1 IBS 1 IBtnrlEiri. 1 1 y- -impH-i n-JBP. i ,ldl |