Show we understand from the deseret evening news of the lath that a colony of fins seventy five families will shortly be located in rich county our people want to bestir themselves AT ONCE and see if there is a way of preventing 13 the influx of these fins for it will he be neither more not nor less les thap a calamity for our collera toiler 3 to hive them here As well have chinese for they will work for a mere pittance thus lowering Z the wages of out our teamsters and laborers competition coill with them is out ont of the question for they can call live so cheaply that what would wo uld constitute liberal wages to them would simply cimpl mean ruination to our men IN NOTICE OTI C E A mass convention of the republicans of rich co who believe silver is the paramount issue in this campaign will lie be held beld in the C county bounty court house houe hou e randolph at 2 p ili saturday the th day of sep p tein ber 1896 COUNTY COU TY convention na TION A republican county convention for rich county is hereby aw billed to meet at R randolph 0 on tuesday sept 22 1896 at t 11 a in ill for the e cf nominating county officers officer and sand I 1 a member of the state Lp legislature aisla fill the basis of representation i is fixed atone it olle olele delegate 0 yate for evera every five votes cast or a 1111 major jr portion 1101 tion tle pierc nt chief justice by order of the alie republican county committee EA R south chairman all republicans are invited to participate in ill said convention j |