Show that the wife should run the boine has been aff irined by no less an authority thau than the supreme court of the state of new york oue one justice of tile the appellate division wrote tile the following opinion on lit in a lecent suit for separation anil and two of ills ili four associates elates concurred lu 10 it while lu in a legal sense the hus bus baud Is the head of the family and has the right to rule the holi household elloitt and compel ills wife as well Nella as sills ills children ell ildren to obey him and submit to his dictation it elation in the details of the management of the hou house se and servants sor still the practical view of tile the marital relations usually Is that within her peculiar sphere the alie louie homo the wife should have her own way and be allowed to manage and control the deballi of housekeeping and servants au ali intelligent woman should certainly not be subjected in the presence ot of servants rind and guests to humiliation all anil ill treatment by her husband by the offensive assertion that lie he Is master and she must in all things filings obey LIM him |