Show the kiss ecclesiastic at a fashionable ved gedding ding party just ns as the lin appy pair vi ere about to start on oil their wedding tour the lie pretty lettle bride was thanking the clergyman who had anade her arid her choice one on which the reverend gentleman nho iho was an old friend of the family and a 11 lilt of a wag said hut but my ilea dear r 3 jou oil have not paid me my foe fee what Is it said the bride A lisa kiss wont you pay it before you toll go of course I 1 will sho she answered blushing and laughing and she dil did A severe old malden maiden lady standing by ili was terribly blocked at such levity aud and worst worse Is as she thought it on the part of the jolly divine but everyone the bridegroom included smiled at tile incident As the lie old maid a little littie later was about to drive away a way from the door she put her load head out of her brougham window and said severely as the lie parson among others bade lor her adieu well mr clergyman how about that ecclesiastical kiss not nott no lie he answered red 1 I 1 will give it to you toil another time so very public here she disappeared the guests roared and the parson cored london tidbits |