Show the detection of food adulteration Is not only a service to tile the at large larce but to reputable dealers in food products the operation cooperation co eo of 0 such business busine moll men with the cm call always be exi expected acted the reported results of analyses show how how imperative Is the need that good citizens combine to drive out this kind of fraud frauda A substance sub stanca sold as powdered cinnamon was found to be pulverized cigar boxes flavored with an essential oil out of cf two hundred hurlda M samples of chocolate only twenty nero ere found unadulterated the rest were veto adulterated with terra alba brown ochre achre starch glucose barytes and the like samples of I pepper epper had in them a little pepper extract added to pulverized almonds fruit pits pit and twigs the moral difference beav between ton the man m ho stands behind ills his counter and knowingly sells hells those these and otier dab oriest concoctions concoct ions and the inan who stands behind prison bars because be has hag broil caught in a confidence gains Is not ap procia ble the former has this cd vantage lie he has not dot been detected |