Show TRUSTEES SALE WHEREAS Jod odiah M grant and lucy grunt grant his wife did by their certain iced dood of trust dated tho the day of march 1801 and recorded on the alst day of march in book D pages paces 21 to inclusive of tho the records in tho the office of the recorder of deeds of rich county in tho territory torri terri tor lory y now state ot of utah convoy to william H dale as trustee the following described real estate situate in said rich county to wit south halt half 0 of North weil quarter and south son th halt half of northeast quarter 0 of section nine 9 township eleven 11 noi coith th of range soven seven 7 east of salt lake meridian contRini containing I 1 DR in all acres be the samp more or less according to government surrey suncy including with avith the said land all the water rights which were owned by tho the said jedediah M and lucy grant at the date of said deed of tr trust ast or which were subsequently acquired by the said jedediah M and lucy grant and used in connection with the said land which said conveyance was mado made iu in trust to secure to tho the order of the lombard investment company the payment of tho the said jedadiah Jed Jedo odiah diali M and lucy grants one certain promissory note of even date with said iced deed of trust for or th the A principal sum of six hundred dollars dollar duo cind and payable april 1 ag with interest thereon from the late date thereof until maturity maturi tv at the rats rato of six 6 per cent per iier ax annum anum payable P bablo semiannually so mi andua y and anan with ith interest thereon after ina mat t urty at the rate of twelve 1 12 I per cent per annum payable semiannually semi somi annually and whereas Where it ia hi provided in said deed of fruit that in caro cane of default in the payment of said promissory note or tho the interest thereon ill alio 0 t trustee shall lupon upon the a application of the log legal al holder of said note cc bell and dis dispose so of said premises and all the right title n and equity of redemption of the said Jod odiah M and lucy grant their heirs and assigns therein at public auction at the place in the manner and for in said dood deed of stated after first riving 30 days notice ag particularly ticul arly provided provi fed tor for in said deed of cruft reference to which is hereby made tor for greater cor certainty a anty and V whereas berea default has been rondo made in the payment m L it of said principal note of COO CM and in the p pai a mont ment of six coupon into interest notes of 18 each duo us october 1 april I 1 ISM october 1 april 1 1895 october 1 ai and d april 1 1896 respectively and said principal prin note aud and coupon interest notes are still past due aue and unpaid now therefore notice is 13 hereby riven given t that hat 1 I the undersigned undersigner under signed truston as aforesaid at the request of tile the legal holder of said note and an under dunder and by bv virtue of the power and authority in me vested by tho the said deed of trust will on thursday tile the ath day of october 1696 at tho the hour of 10 0 clock in the forenoon of said day sell the above described property and all the right title benefit and aud equity of redemption of the said jedediah M 11 and lucy grant their heirs and assigns therein at public auction tor for the highest and best price tile ho same will bring in cash at the county bounty courthouse court house at randolph in the con county n q of rich state of utah for the purpose of paying sa said ia note and interest matere t coupons and all costs and expenses of executing this trust WILLIAM H DALE trustee first publication sept 11 1806 TRUSTEES SALE WHEREAS M grant and lucy grant his wife did by their certain deed of trust batea dated the ath aay day of may and recorded on the esth day of may in in book C pages fla to lie 33 inclusive of the records in inthe the ottice of the recorder of deeds of rich county jn in the territory now state of utah convey to william H dale is as trustee tile the following fol loving described real estate situate in said rich county to wit the iho northwest quarter of section twenty ono one 21 in township eleven I 1 11 ak north of kango seven jevon 7 east ot of the lie salt lake a 0 meridian containing tau lingin in all la HA acres bo be the same more orles or less according to government survey including eiith M the said land all the water rights which were owned by bv the said Joil Jode odiah diall M and lucy grant at tho the date ot of said deed of trust or w m inch wore were subsequently edaly a acquired by tho the sai said d jedediah Jod Jode odiah diah M and lucy acy grant and used in connection with the said il land N which hands c said id convey conveyance anco was mado made in trust to secure to the order of the lombard investment com company any the payment of tho the said Jod odiah M and lucy lucy grants ono one certain promissory note of even date with said dool of trust for the principal 1 suat bum of eighteen hundred doar domars i r s duo due and payable may 1 wjk with interest thereon 0 n from rom tho date thereof until maturity at the r rato a to of six tc 6 1 per cont cent per annum payable semiannually sandwith and with interest thereon after maturity at the rate of gwehe klater per cont cent por per annum payable semiannually semi annually and an whereas I 1 her as it is provided in said deed of trust that in incabo case of default in tile the payment of said promissory note or the interest thereon the trustee shall upon the a application of the legal log I 1 holder bolder of said note so sou 3 and dispose of said promises and all the right title benefit and equity of redemption of the said Jod odiah M and lucy grant their heirs and assigns therein at public auction at the place in the manner and tor for the purposes bes in said deed of trust stated actor first giving thirty ad W days clays notice asiar as particularly ticul arly provided tor for in said deed of trust reference 1 to which is hereby made for greater certainty and whereas default has boon made irk in the payment of said principal noto note of 1 anti anil in the payment of lour four coupon interest notes of 34 54 each due no 1 1893 may 1 november 1 1891 and may 1 respectively and said principal note and coupon interest notes are bougon still past duo and umpai unpaid now thoro therefore fure notice is hereby given that 1 I the undersigner undersigned under signed trustee ay as aforesaid at the request of the logal legal holder of said note and under and by virtue of the power and authority in in me vested by the said dood of trust will on thursday tho ath day of october 1803 at tho to e hour ol of 10 in the forenoon of said day sell the above described property and all tile the right title benefit and and equity of redemption ot of the said jedediah Jed odiah M and lucy grant their heirs and assigns therein at public auction tor for the highest and best price tho the same will bir bring ing in cash atthe at the county court house at in the county of rich kich state of utah for tile purpose 0 of f pacing ang said note and interest coupons an and d all la costs and expenses of executing t this ALS trust rusl WILLIAM n H DALE Trub trustee too first publication sept 4 1896 TRUSTEES SALE WHEREAS jedediah Jed odiah M grant a and 1 lucy grant his wile vite did by their certain deed dee d of trust dated the ath day of aukust august low aud and ro recorded corded ou on tile tho atu situ day of 0 august 1610 in ia boot book D pages 27 to ral inclusive of tho ano acco records ra lu tho the collico of tile ano recorder ot of deeds of rich county in tile the tei tein tory now inow state of utah convoy to william wilham if 11 vale dale its as trustee trus too tile the following described real estate situate in ia said rich county to wit vt it the northeast quarter of section twenty one 21 township labion av 11 north hango seven 7 glubt of tho bait lake meridian andian containing in all ono one hundred and sixty acres bo be tho the sumo sales moro more or loss less according to government survoy survey including with the said land all 11 thu tho water mater rights which wore owned by the said Jod Jode odiah diali at and lucy grant at tho the dato ot of said dood deed ot of trust or which wore more subsequently acquired by the said Jed jedediah edish M and lucy curant and used in concoction with the said land jand which said conveyance was nas made in trust to secure to the order of the lombard investment t company tile tho payment of uio tile said Jod Jede odiah diali M and lucy jucy arant a one certain promissory promis lory noto note of even dato auto wita said deed ot of trust for tile principal c 1 pal sum ofT elve hundred ol i lix l IX dollars duo due and a ad payable august 1 1895 with ith interest f from roin tuo dato date until maturity at the rate of six abi b per cent per annum payable somi an dually and with interest thereon attar after maturity at the rate of twelve 12 per par cent per annum pay atilo semiannually semi annually and whereas it is provided in said deed of trust th that tin in case of default in ia the payment ot of said promissory promissory promis bory note nolo or tho the interest thereon tho the trustee shall upon the application ol of the legal holder of said note sell bell and dispose of said premises and all the right title Is benefit ben fit and a n d equity 0 of redemption ot of diio said aid jedadiah Jed odiah M and lucy arant their heirs and aithus therein at public auction at the place in tho the manner and for tho the purposes in said d deed od of 0 trust stated af altor ter first giving thirty jo days notice an aa particularly provided for in said deed bood ot of trust reference roi orenco to hiell la is hereby hormby mado made for or greater certainty and N V heroes debault has been maae in tho the pay mont of said principal c note nofa of ciaio LT and in tho of 0 tour cc coupon interest notes of 1 each duo february 1 august I 1 february 1 1805 and august 1 1695 respectively find and said principal note not and coupon interest noto notes are still past duo red and unpaid now therefore notice ii hereby riven given that 1 I tho the under undersigner undersigned signed trustee as aforesaid at the request of tho the loat legal holder of said note and under and by virtue of 0 the power and authority in me tasted esav f by bv the said deed of trust will on thursday the ath day of october 1896 at the hour of 10 0 cluck in the fore forenoon notia of ba aard id day sell tho the above described property and all the right title benefit and equity of redemption of the said jedediah IL an and d lu lucy cy G grant rant their bei heir and assigns assif fua therein at public auction for the aud and best aneo co the same will bring in cabb at the front fron arx door 0 or of the county court house at randolph in the county of rich state of aftab utah for the tha P purpose r lobe of 0 pacing said note and intermit inte coupons cou pona and all costs and expensed of executing ing this trust X VI ILLIAM n alaa 11 DALE trustee first publication sept 1 1896 NOTICE OF TRUSTEES SALE HAS john S jones ant ellen jones his wife did by their ceri aill deed deedna M tru t dated the 3rd ard lay day of 01 february 1891 and recorded on the ath day of february 1891 in book D pages to i indusi acl asit ie e of th the e records in the office of tile tho recorder of deeds of rich county in tile the territory now s ate of utah convey to william 11 dale as trustee tee the fol lodino described real estate situate in said rich kich ciu county nty to wit tile the north nonh one half balf of the South southeast past quarter and the southwest qu quarter arter of south southeast east quarter of nten nd the northwest quarter of the t quai ter of section fifteen 15 in 1 it township ton ii s eleven 11 north of range seven 7 E east ast of salt lake meridian united states survey contain containing ing i mall ii all oil one e it hundred un and sixta acres be e the same more or less according to government survey inc including ludina with the said land all the water rig rights ats which were owned by bv the said john S and ellen jones jonea at tho late of sad sa iced deed of trust or which were subsequently acquired by the said john b and ellen jones ani and usei used in connection j etith ith the sah land was nade made in trust to secure to the order of the lombard investment company the payment 0 0 the said john S and ell to jones one certain promissory not nota of oven even date with said deed of trust rust for the principal sum of six hundred dollars lue due and payable february 1 1896 with iii interest thereon from the he date dale thereof until maturity at the rate of six 6 per cent per annum payable semiannually semi annually and with interest after matu maturity rity at the rate of 0 twelve 12 per cent per annum parable semi annually and IV whereas ereah it is provided ill said deed of trust that in cae of default in the payment oi of said promissory note or tile the interest thereon the tha trustee shall upon the application of the legal holder of said note se arll 11 and dispose of said premises and all the rinat title benefit and f of thi th sa said id john S and ellen jones their heirs and as signs signa therein at public auction at the place in the ahr manner and for the purposes in sad deed of trust stated staled after first giving thirty 3 30 days bobc as particularly aly provided pro videl for in sai ai I 1 die di e I 1 of trust reference to winch which ii hereby made for greater certainty and whereat Wh Frean eream default has I as been made in the pa payment vinent of said principal note of six If hundred undred dollars and in the payment of a coupon interest inter note of eighteen dollars due february pary 1 1896 and said principal note and coupon interest note are arc still past due and unpaid now notice is hereby riven given that 1 I ill he undersigned undersigner under signed trus trustees aforesaid at the request of the legal holder older ti of said note anti and under by virtue virtia of the power and authority in me vested by the said deed of trust will on thurs day the ath dav of Ok october tober 1896 it at the hour of 10 in the forenoon of said day sell the above described property ertrand ert vand and all the right title benefit and equity of redemption of the said john S and ellen jones their heirs and assigns therein at public auction for the highest and bast price the same ivill bring in catli at the county court house at randolph in ill the count county of rich state of utah for the purpose of paying said note and interest coupon and all costs and expenses of executing this trust WILLI WILLIAM Abi H DALF trustee first publication sept 4 1896 NOTICE FOR PUBLIC publication no 2996 united states land office t salt lake city august 10 notice is hereby given that thai ing named illas giai filed notice no ice of his intention to make final proof in support of his big claim and aid that said proof will be made bedora the coun cound clerk of rich co utah at it randolph utah on september 19 1 1896 viz BARNEY FOX H E no for t the he S E ya see sec 21 and N E H I 1 N W H L sec 28 tp 10 N 1 R ra 7 ha E lie he names the following witnesses to prove liis his conti notis residence upon and ol 01 said land viz john W D dykins kiris john corless thomas daniels of randalph utah and george gal breadth of woodruff fr utah BYRON byro groo register first publication august 14 1896 NOTICE F FOR OR publication NL no 0 2995 2095 united states land office sal salt lake city A august 8 1896 f notice is it beneby given civen that the follow ink named settler has idled filed notice of his hia intention anunti on to mako make linal final proof in support of his claim aal said proof will be made before ed benzley lounie clerk 0 rii run h co utah at randolph utah on september 19 1893 viz WILLIAH C SMITH 11 E for the NL S W ya H N IV ya S F E jr |