Show EM f V Z N though problems azus come ig grim array to tret fret us more and more tile the lending leading question of 0 the thedac day Is mister the score wahington star watts 1 I wonder what kind ri J shirts can be that are advertise A for 29 J cents potts flarried meui indianapolis journal callers are tile tho ladies at home bridget examining exa mining their cards t sure maam it them that aits here its the life tommy my pa says MIS its a U sin tob to I 1 B swear johnny I 1 gur guess CISS your youria pa never tried to explain politics to your rna ma 1 philadelphia north cimett ca n jim senn why do they call moll moneau the long green joe nega ega I 1 sup suppose because without it s you are short and blue N north oreb amerl american c a n 41 i ahls rain Is ft a good cooil thing for the country it r neverly 1 I abill oh I 1 dont know about that just look at what its done to my straw hat gazette 1 I like hummer bummer my wife is always S so 0 gentle and amiable in hot wea weather tb 1 1 so Is mine it must be because all the progressive euchre clubs have shut down chicago record It ecord thorn them folks folk from town stay V much of a spell uncle reub vav v went vent ent back mad cause we didawi hey her I 1 no cycle paths an lights in ther blackberry patch chicago It ecord I 1 saw your poem in the paper last X week eak how did you yon get your pun pull with the abe editor wicks oh bother the editor I 1 called upon the tha business manager er so Bue iville journal mrs knobbs ilow how many girls do di the keep mrs one mrs knobbs only one good goo gracious and I 1 came pretty near caning canin in there yesterday cleveland bild lild leao lead or cr husband Ilus band I 1 expect some friends of 0 mine this evening and I 1 must go out oat and buy some clears cigars wife why I 1 thought i on oil bought some for them 11 1 I did but I 1 forgot to get auy any for life dalis dahs one allig shore said uncle I 1 acla J ehen bout all dealier accidents das dai happen long ob de er july dih dah sin aiu noli oldy kin say dy dey ilan know loaded washington star the merchant to ills daughters suitor now how bow are you fixed n fi financially 11 n caal the suitor well I 1 hn have 1 L no 0 i debts the were merchant hant wh what a then I 1 cannot give you my da daughter sketch cli mrs wallace 11 ricce ore agal again n I 1 see why dont you settle down to work perry alabam I 1 would but somehow I 1 was always too ambitious to come down to for fer day bages chr cincinnati enquirer horatius tile thu good olle ra 1 says if ill rell ival good lie he 11 ll take tile me to the circus thomas choulas the bad one aw rats rata yer aint got no brud lers uw rier sisters do ez cz yer please ver or ile de ony excuse lies got judge 1 I am alu glad to see decou on booling bettor better than when I 1 met you last ulsa miss quick quickstep eliy when was that mr la liitt t thursday on the tha boulevard you were fl a bicycle chicago tribune what did the stranger say when you Toa gave him blut tin the bill walter such monstrous prices lie ho never saw we vert at a abominable gang of thieves hotel kaper good oud so lie he liae become abusive then Ward pull I 1 believe it would bel be t good idra to minate late l lies he a good man neelam oh liei fies a good man all right but how could we ever get up a campaign yell on suca as that indianapolis journal mistress to servant bool looting ing tot for a place why dont you show your boos book or of references servant I 1 do 0 o not w ish to reflect on oil the character ot of the employers who change their eel sef ant severy fortnight llie Flieg gende eride blueter tyro 1311 bilkins klus rind ill li bought a bicycle aleye 10 built for two raider ah riding hiding tandem ell eh tyre veil ivell judging front from their wobbling perform amice I 1 ance yesterday I 1 should say just riding at random 3 north american 1 I 1 here comes thit that miss FIL flighty lity with lier her loud skirt the hateful thine tiling 1 I dont see anything loud about her skirt heavens Heaven sl caul cant you hear bear that rustle christmas I 1 A kulil give 10 extra for a rustle in a skirt like that san francisco wave kitte kate maine garson Is terribly wash oil od on charley S sweetser betser I 1 di wa 1 milk makes es you think so kate why he 19 lias has been three weeks trying to teach her to ride a wheel and she make the least progress tile the very instant he be lets go ot of her she falls alls ot boston transcript well after dinner Dor esome told a 8 story about his exploits in africa and ad then one about an irishman he ulet met in 10 switzerland but I 1 thought you were not at the banquet nor was I 1 A at this particular one but I 1 have attended sixteen others where Bore soine told these theae starles at st orles 11 washington times I 1 |