Show COUNTY COURT the following bills were allowed mckinnon bro edse 1565 1565 A cook lumbar lumb r big creek lumber co lumber 7 1 18 sax engbeck painting 1760 cling chas smith geo gen webb rep repairing airia court house houge etc A H dickson A mckinnon Jc Kinnon jr feeding prisoners etc A mckinnon mckannon jr work 75 clyde spender spencer work 50 joshua eldredge atlig court D S cook attending court 31 5 0 larson supt bupt of 0 schools expenses expanses of examination salaries of county officers for tb the e en bueng year were fixed as fol follows lowa clerk recorder sheriff Sheri fr supt bupt of schools selectmen each F K was appoint sil d prosecuting attorney for rich for the portion of the term school trustees were appointed as follows garden city john farner two veara sarah T cook one year john M alien three years laketown Lake town mrs delia three years aquila two years I 1 mra belizi R Johr Jo linson Sn one year J S moffat three vears J S grdon Gr ilon two years yearB henry one year roubil valley J S moffat three ye berat eara raT J S gordon two y yari ars henry tc one year J W fackrell was ap pointel I examiner on school board for or term of two years judg juilda 9 of E action weri wera i app intel as aa follows oluf larson J W benzley an I 1 D S marshall la randolph Randolp ii precinct and jahn brydon woo bruff precinct amasa amasay C Linor 11 conrad vio arlaus and geo gen pope garden cly precinct Pr wilt gorlon eugene kimball and go got T judd mk precinct geo earley thos earley ani and leaah price round valley precinct the folio ing amounts were for officers salaries to be drawn end of each quart r ed benzley bleik it mckinion recorder A Shiri tr L D pearce treasured Treas 2500 J W fackrell assessor J W fackrell Far krell collector 2733 J M grant collector oluf LarBin superintend lent A C call commissioner 1875 U D S cok commiss oner 1875 joshua eldredge commissioner 1875 evans R adgers pros atys altys P F K pros atty court adjourned adjourn eil |