Show best J R a suits prove hoods arl I 1 in the beat ix ft 4 h blood purifier appetizer and derre loide intact jn laca sarsaparilla ars Is I 1 the one true blood purifier all druggists ta 1 hoods pills cure all liver ills ilia 25 cents VALUABLE FRANCHISE SECURED the franchise 0 easy digestion oue cue of uie the most valuable in of can be secured by any pron wlee wise enomie to use S stomach bomach biters Kit either in nip hut at maturity n billner Bill nuR rheumatic aud and fever bud and a u sufferers pernicia troubled with nervousness and nd the 9 theold ab ouli also aiso bucure the health frauel the by bv the same means dinean s PITS all file stopped free by dr klines great ner a 10 no flis after me first day days BUEe uee cures treatise and aart 2 00 tri arll oil bottle free to fl fit t cases aws to ur alme arch st philadelphia pa TRY for breakfast gladness comes W with ith a letter better understanding of the transient ent nature of the many physical ills which vanich before proper efforts gentle efforts pleasant e efforts rightly directed there is comfort in the knowledge that so BO many forms of sickness are not due to any actual disease but simply to a constipated condition of the system si stem which the pleasant family laxative syrup of figs promptly removes that is eliy it is the only remedy with millions mill ions of families and is ever averyh everywhere yh so highly by all who value health its benen cial effects are due to the fact that eliat it is the one remedy which promotes internal cleanliness without debilitating the organs s on which it acts it is therefore all 11 important por tant in order to get its beneficial effects to note when you purchase that you have the genuine article which is manufactured by the call california fig syrup co only and sold by all reputable druggists if in the enjoyment of good health nud the system is regular laxatives or other remedies are then not needed it if afflicted with any actual disease one may be commended to lo the roost most skillful physicians but it if in need of a laxative one should have the best and with the well informed everywhere syrup of figs stands highest and is most largely abed and gives most general satisfaction bloode r 13 olson I 1 contagious blood poison has been appropriately called the curse of mankind it is is the one disease that physicians cannot cure their mercurial aud potash remedies only bottle up tip tile the poison in the system to surely break forth in in a more virulent form resulting in a total wreck of 0 the sa system stein mr air frank B D martin a prominent jeweler at pennsylvania Pen sylvania ave wash lug I 1 was for a long time under treat ment of two of the best physicians of this city for a severe case of blood apo poison but my clouds condition an grew worse all t I 1 the while v hile notwithstanding the i fact that they charged me three hundred dollars my mouth was filled with eating sores my tongue was almost eaten away so that for three mouths months I 1 was unable to taste any solid food my hair fair was coming out rapidly and I 1 was in a horrible fix iliad I 1 had tried various treatments and was nearly discouraged cou raged when a friend recommended after I 1 had taken four bottles I 1 be began ph n to ge get better and when I 1 had fi finished is d eighteen gh teen bottles I 1 was cured sound od and well my skin was without a blemish and I 1 have had rl no 0 return of the disease me from a life ID of f mis misery e IT guaranteed purely vegetable V egla 6 le will cure any case of blood poison dooks books on thedis the disease casc and its treat tre a t ment dent idail mailed ed free by swift S specific co 40 atlanta ga in writing to advertisers dont I 1 forget or to mention this paper DEAFNESS CANNOT BIS BE CURED by local applications a 03 9 they cannot reich the diseased portion ol of theeart the ear there Is only one way to cure deafness and that la is by constitution al remedies B by an condition ol of the mucous lining ol of eustach nu AD tube when this tube iube gets eels inflamed you have a rumbling eonni d of imperfect hearing and aboul it la entirely c closed is the and unless less the inflammation can lie be taken oui oui and this tube restored to it if normal COT coi ditino he hearing will be destroyed leb troyed foresee fo reier reser nine cafege out of ten are ro caused by catarrh hichi 14 1 nothing but an inflamed condition ol of the mucous surfaces we will give one Il hundred undred dollars for or any case cabool of deafness dialls caused by ca catarrh tarril th that t can not be cured by halls catarrh cure send circulars tree free P F 3 CH CHENEY EN EY CO toledo 0 sold by druggists hall callb Is ir family amily pills are the best FRAZER FRA Z ER AXLE CREASE BEST IN THE ME WORLD i it its wearing qualities are e 1 outlasting outlast out lasting loi two t a boxes ul of any uy anther brand F er irom from animal otis oils gitt TUB THE FOR SALE BY OREGON AND CO washington 01 and D dealers callers generally oo 00 YOU WANT TO mi MAK mw particulars its st rite to us for log country a we are offering olter lne aral I 1 in cluce mcula for or the handling handl liiK of tito tho I 1 macelue anybody with oni sense can sell fell them at the price mf 1 quote 0 and a d we guarantee every I 1 2 bold I 1 d write W rite us ua lor for full r wo am in scent in every town crip h coast no Is Is the time to tota take keup up tho ll 11 dorir and yoa CHII lia oil I 1 materially to our I 1 neome by dang flo BO A dress standard sewing machine co 9 1 ath t san francisco oal FOR L PEOPLE P E 0 THAT ME ARE SICK or 0 r duct J t dont feel well 1 IMPROVE PILLS are r the on thing tons 0 only one for a aoe 0 0 so bold by m witte kt t a box trued freta ad adms dr domanko med hed co phala pa I 1 SOOTHING swu 0 MRS WINSLOWS SYRUP p FOR CHILDREN TEL IN all as ati STAN D 10 r CIO 0 b you will ifland one coupon IRE aside each two ounce bag 14 T and two coupons inside each NOTHING four ounce 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womans comans life thousands of women testify for it it will give health and strength and make life a pleasure for sale balo by all d rg ta BLUMAUER FRANK DRUG CO rORT LAND agents agen ts seaside and country gowns need S 0 1 Is TM this what oat an ang V you von hove you ton a feeling durbak of f weight 1 la the ile stomach utter eating balth ei j ingofF food water wat 0 V bralit bradli Heart heartburn bur 9 bad taste in the mouth la in the 10 lo J plo BIAS B ing of the tod r of ti jc VELVETEEN mouth y v gas gaa la in the bos bocox els j BINDING lo loo 9 of flesh fickle appetite on their skirt edges it is rainproof f irritable condition of the J sheds water and never dever mind iliad DIZ dizzine ZIDe turns lies da consul J grey attoa at or Diar it if your dealer will not then you haie supply you we wilt will DYSPEPSIA samples thawing showing labels and mater materials lats mailed free in oce of its ili many forma the oat positive cure home dressmaking made eny easy a new book by for this complaint Is miss iss em emanu a bl H hooper boope r of t the h a lad ladles le s H home om e J journal bourna 1 for postage paid dyspepsia tablets Cab diem lets S H al co P 0 dox box N Y city by bj mall mail prepaid pre paid on oa receipt of 25 cents cri floto imperial yew york AGENTS WANTED win I 1 or r Geol lemen abaya acker ays 1 1 I horribly imm retla but in every town tor for one of the best beet selling belling articles ACKER MEDICINE CO 14 a is 18 chambers Cb amlien SL SI NY anade abed by every mon man woman and child raul aultry aDl try tary tooth bruah uru li with tongue cleaning attachment cd c d by all tho the leading slid and lent lats bend abc 5 ind WILL FINK CO TS CURES SSu WHERE ALL ELSE market street tian san francisco cal baat cough arup tva roe in tima belil d t tv dramins SURE CURE FOR PILES 0 effig ll 11 Y Itt llo f hlll field M el if OR SAN K KOS Ms PILE ILE REMEDY EMED I 1 wit aft bombl lumac A to i ourt bt 1 1 arf rr t DruI chulik mull is il JAL rhu riU lt 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