Show NEED OF THE TIME who lived at the time of the founding of this government and those who lived through the trying L period in the early sixties of the last century to see it preserved could not have forseen another critical juncture when all the forces of civilization would be engage din a ti struggle to reestablish economic order this count rya rys rights not accorded ir the old world and encouraged exercise of individual initiative which gave spirit to the task of taming a wilderness after nearly a century it took armed conflict to keep the union together now we are in the toils of another major crisis this time recovering from the effects of a war that was finished fa R years ago if our forefathers could establish orderly society in the face of a foreign foe and of hostile indians if the north and south could bs bf reunited after bitter sections sec tiona strife we can with developed resources and everything to do with bring back prosperity on fu fundamental ada principles qualities inherited from courageous antecedents are certain to be reflected in stalwart mastery of present difficulties we need fortitude anc patience and we may feel certain that out of the crucible of trw tria will come a stronger nation anc an an advanced civilization herald wayne nebraska |