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Show UTAH STALE NEWS j The Fagles of Ogdr-n are planr,i.; I the erection of a JT3.000 club hu"; I ing. I The county prisoners of Salt Lt;.. I f county are to be put to work on l; I public- highways on April la. " I U-e Koni Lee, a Chinese: trii'-k doner, died -it a Salt Lake hosji- I ts the result of injuries received ; i II runaway. I 1 "Fly extermination" exercises Wf..s I held in all the chureles of the j0.' I dt'.u district on March 2S under -v, I auspices of the Jordan bih tcliooi. I Fe hi has received its pr.ze drink - j I fountain from the Utah Development I ague, won because of Lehi b-ii I the cicanest city in class C in ; I state. After a brief consecration service ia I the First Baptist church 4.'ia Gida I Hibles were placed in the guest-rocs, I of the principal hotels of Ogden lai; I Sunday. I Complete organization of the IVj I Sheriffs' association is planned for a I meeting that will be held in the ci'.v I f and county building at Salt Lake co I f . April L. I t John Anthony Bates, IS years o: I jr. age, whose talent as a sculptor is siij I !". to have given promise ot possible fu. I .-. ture greatness, died at his home in I Vl Salt Lake, March 26. I Matthew A. Daugherty, for fourteen I e-:-years a citizen ot Sail Lake, at o-: I j- ;; time assistant postmaster cf E-. I Ti; Lake, and well known in political &Li I mining circles, died March us. I Conrad A. Wilkie, a vaudeville actor, I 3S years of age, attempted suicide i I j; i; Sail Lake by shooting himself, and is I Vf-in Vf-in a serious condition at the count; I hospital. His recovery is problemiu- I T cal. I During 1S14 the canning industry a I Utah distributed JS3i,T!j4.2i lor fruit, I U" vegetables and labor. Of this amo: I $ U'.2."3.S9 as paid to the farmers. I r.. C-: und 1.5'.''.' factory employes rtceivc-j I $i37.04".3ei. I 1 Announcement is made that '.ir I C -clean town contest, conducted joii.t.j I ri- by the Utah Development league ail I the state board of health in IVi. I t'U be continued during 1S15 by the sti'.e I bard of health. I '-"-; Approximately leu families conte--- I plate coming to Utah li.is t-prir-g u I engage in farming, accoi i.ng to in.'er- I v-ntatiou v-ntatiou received from Chicago by H. I i: ' T. Haines, state commissioner of Lx- I migra; ii n, labor and statistics. I : The struggle against the fire wbicl I has caused a crssa:ion of prcKiucuvc I work in the Black Haw's mine a: I Black Hawk since February 1. fcas I i;' been crowntrd with success and '.hs I last spark has been exting aishej. I So anxious are the managers of tie I ... . International Exposition Eisteddfod s: I ., . San Francisco to tecure the SjU Lak5 I ,. r tabernacle toir as one of the ceoi- petiiors in the choral ceutests that renewed re-newed efforts are being made to have the big choir entered. For the fourth time :thin to w eeks the N' fUi high school del a;- p ing teams have been victorious I sgainst the teams of Utah and V.a- I sa:.ii ccuntU s. In thro out of li." U four debates the dec.--e us have tctu unanimous in favor of the local t.ams. The election hc'.d in Cache ecus:? outside L-. can in order to devii? win titer or not the coui.ty shouid be bonded for the purpo.e of VafldiS two i-.'gh schools a; I'.yru'.u ar.i Rich-j Rich-j n-ond at a co.-t of iH U'.';1, resulted I in ,'.s7 votts for and !e;4 ug.-:ust i'zt bonds. A petition is being eircu'.a'.e-d in American Fork for signatures, askitus for a lb, tier election to l e held then; the last week in June, in order to vc.e again upon l,.e e;uc.-;;en "Shall Arao:-icau Arao:-icau Fork reaiain dry or sii..ll it r..'i .-t-.'cor.s. under h:.-h licct-.se ir..i s'.r ot ' rcgu'.a: ion ."' ' Claims for damaccs against a inusi- f cipa'.ity must be P'.est'.ited to tho gov- I eruir.g b. uy within one year of -j time the damage is incurred, othet wise tl-.e c!ar.-,-,.-,-.ii is barred frvin ar.v action in the courts u nvover, rules - . the supr-me Cv-ur; in an opinion ria-do ria-do red last week. rJ Physicians and hospit.il attend.iti'.t 1; believe that Mrs. Samuel tV Clifford, who attempted suicide t I'lgdou. will recover from the effects f w allow I'-'.t ;; poison. Tho prompt work of the husband hus-band in adiuinistcring sa'.t na water i.s believed to have been tho r.n-atvs of saving her life. The erection evf a new dam to rtoub .e ta the water supply of the Davis ar.J Weber Counties Canal eem-pany i :-P'.aclnaily :-P'.aclnaily assured by r.-a.-on of C.'.i1 Herman American Trust company "f Denver having virtu. ill agrevd to r'-'-" chase tho JI.eMVu worth et bonds vol- d (or the purpose. - tilt Lake broke all pro io.:s revvil in the line of public imprvvonicn'.s during t:m by eotnpletms o;k costing cost-ing $1.1.:,". s;'S tS and letting contra.:' for work not completed p.vsting J'1'-'.-V-i"' M'. makii s a total f Imprev can at ' work actnaltv ,ione and pontractcd to during the year of :.;:.'. 7. i.tc; ;: ;. ' L'hn Huff, the man shot t l'histlo l'" two t; reeks. Is still in a sori.ni' . cond.tion. Pb su-ians in ehai j:c. however, how-ever, are still liep. ml (-,' his recovery. recov-ery. No cb.i-ge has ot been iMif t against the tlrc. ks. as the oftieeis :v , awaiting th outcome ot the -.nan's Juries. eo n.-ral Hugh I, Scott. pnc.f.oT o! the San Juan countv Ind.an". at .-; I Lieutenant .'ol.-ncl 1; 1" 1.. Mu'Mo. i.; bis aide do camp. w err the honor ;; guests o( tlu r-ouncv ille c'.vih t one e! i Ihe pluh s bnlliimt WM,'ri at Lake v.i, Mi.ui, |