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Show DASH QF GERMANS 1 10 R0RTHFAILUHE OPERATION OF GERMAN FORCES AGAINST OSSOWIEC CONSIDERED CONSID-ERED AT AN END. Kaiser Now Planning New Campaign Cam-paign to Offset Fall of Przemysl and Meet the Situation in Dardanelles. Petrograd. It is staled in well informed in-formed quarters that the operations of the Germans against Ossowiec ijiny now be considered as at an end. Having failed to obtain any results they have abandoned the undertaking. undertak-ing. In this way the whole purpose pf their dash into Russian territory bas been frustrated, as everywhere between the Niemen and the Bobr they have failed to obtain successes. Between the Skwa "d The Orzhyiz the Russians have now occupied fresh positions. The battles in this region have been stubborn. This results from the large number of troops concentrated con-centrated there which are far in excess ex-cess of the normal strength for operations oper-ations on a front of such width. Germany's next move on the military mili-tary field because some stroke either in the east or the west is expected ex-pected before the allies attempt their spring advance is at present the chief subject of speculation and conjecture. con-jecture. According to reports reaching reach-ing Loudon from Petrograd, the German Ger-man emperor is now at Berlin holding hold-ing a war council with Field Marshal von der Goltz, the German military commander of Constantinople, and other leaders, and is planning a new campaign to offset the fall of Przern-fyl Przern-fyl and meet the situation in the Dardanelles. |