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Show I'UOIiATK AX!) GI AUmXI j SHIP NOTICES. i Cunsult. I'Oiuily elerk or icaijs-etive st,m- ur furllier iitl'oi uiiLt ion. i In Tiik District i'ouut, Probate : Division1, in iuu For s mpeiu c.juu., S .ii'ii ul LHuli ! IN TIIKMAiTKn OKTI1K ESTATE OK Ellen Mai;iiuoi M;oi!-.f. Olc'l-us, d. No IT eE. j IV'tit'uu (it l.nr Nk'lsen jKlminlstiitor o,' Ihr i'-oUfol' Elleu MayiiussL-n .M;inke. Ueee;ts-"; Ueee;ts-"; poiyid' t'ur an ordtr lo bu 11 suit;ibU' , lonilislune lo !:e erected ul t lie fitive ofsiid i ueeeue:! and her LuslKOid tn Et. tireeii eeitie-lery eeitie-lery and i,r a .-el I lemen i uf liiiill aeconnl.,: s.iid admin.striitor and lor ihe dislriimiion i he residue ul salu estate to Ui e pel sou en title, i . has be. -u set lor hearing on Mi, ndav the loth d.iy ot May . . II. lulu', in in o'elock' A . M . at the county Court House, in i he court ro .ni oi siinl coui-l. In Manti ('ity, S'.nj.eie Coimlv. L tail. WITNESS the Clerk ol' said Court, with ihe seal Ihereol allixed this S8rd day of Anril v L). Li'12. . Osmond Oi.ses, Clerk, liy Iteputv Ertckscn A: Chrl.siensen Attorueys for petitioner. |