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Show UTAH STATE NEWS Next, season wiH nef: the opening of two irrigai i J r i projects which will add uhout 7,01)0 acres to Lehi's present ir-rioted ir-rioted area. The paperhangers of Salt. Lj;.ke havo been victorious in Iheir strike arid will go Hack lo work at an increase in-crease lii wages of 50 cents a day. Tlio teachers and children of the: Salt Lake schools Alitor (lay planted 18,122 trees and shrubs, according to a report i ;sued by the ciiy superintendent. superin-tendent. Tho annual session of the Utah grand Indue of Independent Order of . Odd Follows was held in Salt Lake last week, representatives from every lodge in tlio state being present. Mrs. Catherine Landon died at her home in Salt Lake, April 17, at the age of K3. Mrs. Landon's grandfather served on General Washington's staff, while she served as a nurse in' the civil war. A party of twelve government engineers en-gineers havo gone to Monticello, In San Juan county, where they will be empioyeu ail summer in trie ouiciai survey of 150,000 acres of land in the eastern part of the county. Work has begun on an irrigation project which will reclaim 400,000 acres of land lying along the Utah and Colorado lines between the Green and White rivers. The cost of this project will exceed $5,000,000. Members of the Cgcten school boara have issued an edict that economy must bo practiced in the matter of graduating gowns this year, in the hope that expensive dresses may not bo purchased for this occasion. Joseph Petreck, who attacked and cut Philip Tobin quite badly at Park City, the cutting resulting after Tobin had resented being pushed from the sidewalk by a crowd of miners, has been placed under! bonds for trial. P. P. Davis, aged 65 years, of Clinton, Clin-ton, while driving to Ogden, was struck by an automobile and seriously serious-ly injured, being bruised and cut about the body. His son was also thrown from the buggy, but escaped injury. The county commissioners of Klko county, Nevada, have sent a communication com-munication to the Box Elder board, asking the board to meet with them in Lucin, Utah, to consider the proposition prop-osition of better roads in western Box Elder county. Compulsory vaccination was discussed dis-cussed at a meeting of the board of education at Ogdcn last week. The subject was tabled until" after the present term of school, but in the discussion most of the board members mem-bers seemed to favor It. At a meeting of the board of governors gov-ernors of the Brighara City Commercial Com-mercial club a committee of four members was selected to serve on the executive committee for the 1912 celebration cel-ebration of Peach day to be held in Brigham City early in September. The farmers of Weber county are row engaged in putting in sugar beet seed for the season, an estimate of t He progress being 500 acres .daily, .'he Ogden plant of the Amalgama.ed Sugar company will use the beets from 6,000 acres of land this season. The commencement exercises at the Utah Agricultural college at Logan this year will be held from May 25 to 2S. The speakers chosen for the occasion oc-casion will include Governor Spry. The Blue bench residents near Duchesne Du-chesne will probably at last secure water. John I. Nowland, president of the Myton Canal and Irrigation company, com-pany, is negotiating with the homesteaders home-steaders to organize a company. It is announced that work will begin be-gin soon on the road between Myton . and Price, and when finished it will be suitable for automobile travel. It is said that the road could be put in fine condition with the expenditure of not to exceed $S,000. The board of health of Provo is preparing to make a campaign for the establishment of a garbage district within the business district of the town, and to see that each business house takes care of all rubbish and ashes, so that they can be hauled away by the city. A bee special, the first of its natuie ever to be run over a railroad in tha world, left southern California Saturday Satur-day for Utah. It consists of nine cars, each carrying from 600 to 800 swarms, in - aai mere are a.uuu swarms. Each swarm contains from 50.000 to 75.000 bees. The Myton Commercial club is making a strenuous campaign for new members. The club has taken an option op-tion on a building in the center of the own with a view to purchasing. Pool, billiard and card tables are being installed in-stalled and other amusements and social so-cial features contemplated. Edwin Dowden, a. resident of Salt Lake for fifty years, died April 12, from apoplexy. Ho was sixty-eight years old. Mr. Dowden crossed the plains and mountains to Utah in a covered wagon, and was a pioneer merchant, of the state. Investigations are being made of charges that the farmers of American Fork and of Pleasant Grove have Veen imposed upon by a firm which sold them sed potatoes that were supposed lo be of Colorado Pearl variety, va-riety, but turned out to be smal fccrubby spuds. |