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Show Classified Ads FOR SALE CHEAP ONE GOOD second hand washer and wringer. Wall & Tygerson. FOR RENT TWO ROOMS WITH light and water. Apply to S. S. En-slev. En-slev. Fountain Green, Utah tf PUBLIC STENOGRAPHY DID See Will B. Crane, Brown Hotel after 6 o clock p. m. 3-K The best Electric Washer on the Market for only $45-U0. Wall and Tygeraon. For Sale (.'heap Good home with five rooms. State Street. Elmer Miller Mt. Pleasant, Utah. 6-18 SEVERAL GREAT BARGAINS In second hand National cash registers, regis-ters, all sizes. Oscar Groshell, 249 Slate St. Salt Lake City, Ut. 5-21-tf We now sell Straight Grade flour at the Mill at $3.00 per hundred, and luc less in GOO pound lots. Mt. Pleasant Mill Co. FOR SALE 80 ACRES GOOD land suitable for Dry Farming, north of sen Olson's. Also fine Jersey heifer calf. Apply O. F.. Wall. Mt. Pleasant, Utah. 6-2 5-tf Kill SALE CHEAP !!!!!! One complete Rochester Camera outfit, large size. Will sell for less than half. Merlin Anderson, Progress Mere. Co., Mt. Pleasant, Utah. 6-2 5 tf PIjASTKH .VXD CEMENT WORK For any kind of piaster or cement work cUl J. B. Cowan and Chas. Rair.bo, Mt. Pleasant. All work guaranteed. 6-25 WANTED FIRST-CLASS SOLIC-Itors SOLIC-Itors and agents; fine proposition. Quick sale; large profits. The Ceno Novelty Co., 815 W. 11th St., 1,0:-Angeles 1,0:-Angeles California. 7-2 BOOK CASE AND WRITING DESK combined, bed, springs and new mattress mat-tress almost new, sewing machine one rocker and four dining roo" chairs for sale cheap. Mrs. Asa Wil cox. 6-25 FOR SALE ONE BUGGY WTfH shafts and pole, two sets of harne-sacidle harne-sacidle and cart; to sell for a roi; ri you sing it yourself. Apoiy ; Wm. E. Madsen, Mt. Pleasant. 6-2 FOR CUT FLOWERS Or Floral Designs Send to the I.EHI FLORAL CO., Lehi, Phone 103-J. Growers of very choice Flowers. FOH SALE AT A BARGAIN A 7 room modern home with bath, extra ex-tra large lot, fine out Ouiidings, orchard, or-chard, etc. Will take part payment pay-ment in cattle. Also one 3 1-2 inch Schuttler wagon cheap. J. J. Watson, Wat-son, MT. Pleasant, Utah. 6-25. Good board and room at Mrs. B. F. Lovell's. advt. 5-2S LOST SATURDAY ON MAIN OR State Sts. A Filligree Silver pin, Daisy. Reward. Miss Lucy Loini, Mt. Pleasant. - ' I'itjJ' law, iimmu mi imi mi hi,uui wtwyjjjwyH JywiyAgy 'wt-i'-ffwy' .r .Tpwn.TH''J Buy That Suit Here 1 . ij Buy It Now j When you want a new suit that will suit in every particular, or a pretty tie, or a collar to your liking-, or a hat either of felt or of straw, or a pair of shoes that looks well and wears with every satisfaction call on us and you will be pleased with your purchase. N : When you follow our advice you get the best M suit of clothes in town and at the least cost, and it will wear so long you will get tired of seeing it before it reaches the end of its usefulness. I Suits look and Wear according to the A quality of the material and the man- ner in which they are made. Our suits excel in each of thzsz important requirements. ' '4, " Progress Mere Ca Anyone found chopping posts on my land at the head of Spring Hollow will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. A. C. Candland, Mt. Pleasant. Pleas-ant. advt. ., JL. infill. M1 ' "1 SPECIAL EXCLUSIVE SEE t For only 10c SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA EXPOSITION II Everything at the Exposition will be shown ; on the screen y i 1 ONE NIGHT ONLY FRIDAY, JULY 2nd. h - AT THE nfjaKKW tSUW IJ1L1WW.'' J"1!." 'J'A ' M "' "" ' ' II I '. Wvv---t" ' 1 ' fc'f rtrCT-J f ! " l,,r" I &prm-Annual I Clearance Sale Closes on Saturday Evening. ; Now hurry, as we have a good many bargains yet in almost every department. t We can save 1 you a neat sum of money on a Suit of Clothes, i Shoes, Hats, etc. C Many of our customers have h taken advantage of this Money-Saving Sale, and we can do the same for you, if you will investi-gate. investi-gate. " i i You are always invited to come in ', and look around, as we find it no troub- 1 le to show you, whether you buy cr not. i-. j'. Beautiful Souveniers are given awav at i; s 1 lite atioiial li "Where the Styles Come From" & Phone 102 N |