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Show Try a want ad in the Pyramid and be sure you have plenty to sell. A man sent us four messages in out weak to take his want ad out of the Pyramid because he was unable to fill the orders. X. S. XEILSOX V. C. JEXSEX E. W. WALL President Vice-President Cashier MOUNT PLEASANTCOMMERQAL & ttVKGS BANK DIRECTORS Ferdinand Ericksen, Rasmus Anderson, Andrew Madsen, Olof Rosenlof, Swen 0. Nielson, A. C. Wall Both checks and savings accounts are respectfully solicited. All customers will receive courteous treatment, and their business , our prompt attention. Drafts drawn on all the principal cities of the United States and Europe. People sending money through the mails should secure se-cure drafts, this being the cheapest and safest way of transmitting money. Banking hours, 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. Four Per Cent Interest Per Annum Allowed on Savings Deposits. Payable Semi Annually. :-: Municipal and School Bonds Bought and Sold. i jg.- l; :t::: :.v :; : rr-ra n p THE OFFICIAL ROUTE " Utah Elks Special High School Ogden Tabernacle : f Lavs Sail Lake City CADETS CHOIR f 1.00 P. M. leave Salt Lake City Leave Ogden : July 9-via Provo 8:30 A. M. July 13th July 24th J UTAH DAY UTAH '! SAN DIEGO f7 DAY i EXPOSITION rTfc&V SAN FRANCISCO Jliy17 ((?)") iUlY24th ?" VoirO via In2eks ANGELES j THREE DAILY SECURE Fa; i TRAINS Exposition Booklets Leave Salt Lake City Ticket Office 10 E. 3rd S. Y . J:45A.M. 1.1)0 P.M. 5.00 P.M. j Phones Wasatch 3501-3502 " gPl A.Merz&Co. C pSg Mt.Pleasant, Ut. fpfip $ HERE'S PROOF A Mt. Plcasiint Citizen Tells Of His Experience. You have a right to doubt state-nents state-nents of people living far away but 'an you Mt. Pleasant endorsement? Read if. Oree Hansen, farmer, Second South and Second East Sts., Mt. Plensant. says: "I know that Doan's Kidney Pills are all right, for I have used them with good results. I have often heard other people praise them too. I used to be troubled a great deal by bnckache and pains through my. loins. My kidneys didn't act regularly reg-ularly and I got. no rest at night. 1 felt tired after the least exertion. friend told me to try Donn'R Kid-'lov Kid-'lov Pills nnil I did. i'liey immediately immedi-ately rid me of kidney trouble. I haven't had any symptoms since." Price 50c, nt nil dealers. Don't simply n.'ik for a kidney remedyget lioan's Kidney Pills the same that Vr. Hansen hud. Kosler-M ilhnrn Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. utlvt. Through Unproductive Territory The building up of a comprehensive telephone system require! the constra tion of a network of long lines connecting every exchange with every oth exchange. In this western country this means crossing wide barren stretches of desert plains and negotiating rugged and treacherous mountain pawn. Nowhere in the civilized world is this task fraught with more difficulties more construction problems, or more human hardships than those which a pear in the territory which we serve. Nowhere else is construction so expensive and nowhere else the main, nanje cost so high. And yet these long distance lines, often crossing miles of unproductive ter-ritory, ter-ritory, are absolutely necessary to make your telephone service comprt-hensive, comprt-hensive, complete, and therefore valuable to you. The Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph Co. JULY 4TH EXCURSIONS One single fare for the round-trip Via D. & R. C. July 3rd, 4th and 5th. in basis of thirty day fares between lny two stations in Utah on the Den-'er Den-'er & Rio Grande. Tickets on sale July 3rd, 4th and th, good until July 6th returning, ' ! FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN ! ! One fine Underwood Typewriter, No. 5, the kind the Government Of-Ices Of-Ices use in all their departments. Will sell, if taken at once, for only "65. Purchase price was $105. The eason for wanting to sell is, tb.pt the Government furnishes ov ner ,ith a nachine and he has no use f'ir tvo. Tall the Pyramid. G. F. Bohne. Sanitarr Plumber and Tinner. Mt. Pleasant, :-: Utah J. E. LARSEN WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER ALSO ENGRAVER. All Work Guaranteed J E,. -'- n in mmC THE DOCTOR Of Pianos, Organs, Sewing Machines is F. Christensen. 'r-rr-- i I I TTF YOU want a Suit that's different a suit that suits you exactly, you want a snit that I -Ms Tailor-made. I I fTHAILOR-MADE Clothes are Most Satis- factory Always, and they are Cheapest I in the long wear. f J I We Specialize in Suits at I $18.00 to $25.00 ?. . j . . CL Hi PE.OjRSE.1, Tailor. I MOUNT PLEASANT, - . UTAH u k |