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Show Investment in Prosperity The average mining company's investment amounts to about $30,000 for each employee. So, the 16,000 men employed em-ployed in Utah's mines represent an investment of about $450,000,000. Most of this money was spent in Utah, where it helped create prosperity. Because it made possible operations opera-tions that result in payrolls, supply purchases and tax payments, pay-ments, it is STILL contributing to the prosperity of our state. UTAH MINING ASSOCIATION "From the earth comes an abundant life for all" (Gi3l(joooWHERE YOU SAVE DOES MAKE A DIFFERENCE PILLSBURY CAKE MIX, fff3fhv r 3 Hr ir-l 9 r shopping at IGA While they last I i, J FTlf - ! J STt V ; j L 3 EH . in lh week. Old Labels 23c XyJJr'0 CAULIFOLUR, 'b 3c CELERY, lb. 3c YAMS, lb &c TOKAY GRAPES, lb. ... : Be IGA SALAD DRESSING, q.' 43c KELLOGG'S VARIETY PACK 3Jc MILK, tall cans, 4 for 5JC KAESPREAD, 2 lb. cheese, (fic ZEE TOILET TISSUE, ss'td. colors, 4 . . 3gc Come in and Check Our yflTTI XSX A " ( A' s Every Day Low Prices :;f?v (Y I A V HA 2 82. iq56 SUPER PLENAMINS SWEEPSTAKES 1 yp&rdne&m come tints enter your name in the Cffiffil I SUPER PLENAMINS TAKE YOUR CHOICE IF YOU'RE 1957 Thunderbird ONE OF 3 1957 Lincoln Premiere -,r,,.-, n.-rr- ....k,k.rnr. G.E. Automatic Kitchen FIRST-PRIZE WINNERS! Pi( rnnartn T - fnr 0 9 European Trip tor I 1 Neiman-Marcus Mink Coat TToOrXif Radios I $5000 College Scholarship I Zenith .P'. prUe I 1000 Aao- Winners! fTZmZl 1,103 Prixes. .. priie , Tl" f e-pw,?2ffl 1 SIPM V " PIIYUMS NOTHING TO BUY d mm Just ask for an official entry blank at our Rexall '"" vmliu Drug Store. Ask the Rexall salesperson why SSsg "V '""" Super Plenamins are the largest-selling multi- ,'Ju'''Jlu,i".ii" vitamin product in America) mi hhkhhi Hurry Sweepstakes ends November 30th. AT OUR feQm DRUG STORE SMITH DRUG CO. 10 SOUTH MAIN PHONE 3451 For Your PRINTING NEEDS Try Our Service. PLEASANT GROVE REVIEW Printers & Publishers GETTING MARRIED? We can print your wedding announcements promptly and guarantee satisfaction PLEASANT GROVE REVIEW ST From where I sit ... 61 Joe Marsh "iSf : Hcppy Swqp More and more farmers who when he isn't and, like Easy, badly need hired help sometimes, pockets healthy savings in wages, but can't afford a full-time hand From where I sit, it's great how are making deals with young people with different backgrounds town workers and the employers and different viewpoints can they work for. co-operate. How about more of us For instance, young Hap trying that? I live in a town-Hooper town-Hooper now lives rent-free on maybe you're a farmer. I'm par-Easy par-Easy Roberts' farm. In return he tial to a good glass of beer-you works about 100 days a year for may prefer coffee or milk. But Easy-for a farmhand's pay. we can make things pleasanter by The rest of the year Hap works ignoring differences and giving for his "regular" boss . . . Buzz each other a "hand." Ellis, the electrician. Buzz just speeds up his business when CrVv? rJ ) Hap's on hand -slows it down f '"WULt Copyright, 1956, United Stales Brewers Foundation RED FLANNEL RED FJ N ELHRTS 36 inch $429 39c yd. RED HUNTING CAPS RED SWEAT SHIRTS 6 Styles to Choose from 4 Styles to Choose from 9SC $169 to $049 B DICKIES WORK CLOTHES m., MATCHED SETS WOOL SOX SHRTS 39c to 79c $298 and $329 PANTS Double Foot Elastic Top $98 ATHLETIC SOX 3 4 Colors to Choose from 39c -r IINI. Insulated RED LINED l! BOOTS JERSEY GLOVES J If $1495 4 Sizes in Regular Jersey Glove 3 GREAT NAMES IN VW.'V WAIST O'ALLS Sg3 1890 Levi Strauss Lee Riders $075 $079 REGULAR Farah WORK SHOES $298 $590 to $590 BEST VALUES ALWAYS... 9(c$ ) li U UU U ZS DEPARTMENT STORES Comic Strip Folk Ask Sister Kenny Fund Contributions Minneapolis, Minn. Several of the country's favorite comic-strip characters are making pleas for generous public support o the 1956 fund appeal of the Elizabeth Kenny foundation in daily and weekly newspapers throughout the nation. They include Donald Duck, by Walt Disney; Bugs Bunny, Warner Bros. Pictures, Inc.; Li'l Abner, by Al Capp; Terry, by George Wun-der, Wun-der, and Rip Kirby, by Alex Raymond. Ray-mond. tEach cartoon character emphasizes empha-sizes that the Kenny Ken-ny foundation is expanding its treatment treat-ment and rehabilitation rehabili-tation program to include not only polio victims, but those of all ages Donald duck with other neuromuscular neuro-muscular disabilities. 'The Kenny foundation rehabilitation rehabili-tation program for polio patients and those with other disabilities which our medical staff feels may be helped is a complete one," Marvin L. Kline, national executive director, declared. "It strives not only to help patients make physical adjustments, but attempts also the solution of problems concerning family, mental outlook, education and ability for gainful occupation. "Because of its tremendous demands de-mands in terms of trained personnel, person-nel, a program of this nature is extremely expensive and one that will require subsidization from the Kenny foundation which has no source of income other than public contributions." Pleasant Grove Real Estate INDEPENDENT Cooperate 5050 All Brokers New 3-Bedroom Full basement, close in, oiled street and sewer, Gas forced air furnace. Cement walks & driveways $15,000. Older Home With new hardwood floors and kitchen cabinets, gas heat and water heating. '3 acres, 3. shares water, close to church and school, $10,500, reasonable reason-able terms. For $2,000 Down and $75 per month you can have a cozy home located in the most desired view in the Valley. Drapes, rugs, lawns, swings, fenced for children, driveway, garage. Some New Homes Brick 2 Bedroom, full basement One Two Acre Lof Two shares water, frontage on hi-way, Modern Bungalow type home, full basement with carpeted car-peted bedroom. Now $15,750. You must see to appreciate. Building Lots in any part of the City, $700 and up. Insurance and Loans If you are thinking of selling your home, see us for reasonable reason-able charges and quick service C. A. RASMUSSEN Broker 79 South Main Phone 3311 j ATWOOD REALTY & INSURANCE CO. Extra Nice Two-Bedroom Brick Attached Garage, located on a beautiful wiew 23 acre lot; in Manila. Aluminum Awnings, air cooled, oiled street, corner lot. Finest Lots We have the finest lots in the best locations in North Utah County! Two-Bedroom Home Excellent location, has an apartment that will pay for the . home. Check this for an investment. Clever 3-Level Home In Lindon, large living room, kitchen, utility, 2 bedrooms, j 1 baths, car port, Lot is 75 x 1 50. DEAN ATWOOD, Provo FR 3-1527 GRANT ATWOOD, Pleasant Grove 4674 1 During Office hours call 2591 385 S. Main Street Phone 2591 Pleasant Grove fj MEMBER OF MULTIPLE LISTING C Paul R. Sherwood PLUMBING HEATING SEWERS Phone Lehi 0259J5 |