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Show Friendship Club Holds First Club Meeting of Season The Friendship Club held their first meeting of this season on Thursday evening with Mrs. Arnold Arn-old Henrichsen. Pink and white carnations from Mrs. Henrichsen's own garden, graced the long dinner din-ner table at which the guests were seated. Plans for the year's activities were discussed, and a letter where each one present wrote a message mes-sage to Mabel Thorne, a club member mem-ber who is ill in the A. F. Hospital. Hospi-tal. The group chatted and visited informally. Enjoying pleasant evening eve-ning were Mrs. C. R. Clark, Mrs. L. S. Walker, Mrs. Byron Adam-son, Adam-son, Mrs. Dewey Adamson, Mrs. Raymond Nelson, Mrs. Archie Bor-en, Bor-en, Mrs. M. D. Radmall, Mrs. Basil Walker, Mrs. Ruben Tom-linson, Tom-linson, and the hostess. |