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Show Mrs. Carl Ringger Speaks at Mothers Study Club Meeting Mrs. Carl Ringger was guest speaker at the Mothers Study Club at their meeting Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. A. R. Overlade on Center Street. Mrs. S. W. Hilton was in charge, due to the absence of Mrs. Junius A. West, club president. Mrs. Karl Banks read the club collect. Mi's. L.-P. Harvey gave a brief report of the meeting of the Women's Legislative Council. Lavina Fugal read an inspirational inspira-tional thought, "Keep Us from Self Pity." Mrs. Ringger gave the ladies a very fine discourse on Switzerland, Switzer-land, the land of her birth. She gave a brief history of Switzerland, Switzer-land, which she alleges is the oldest old-est republic in the world and has much in common with the U.S. type of government. However, they have seven presidents, each with his own responsibilities. Mrs. Ringger told of their fine educational systems, where school is earned on through the year, most of the Swiss are well educated. edu-cated. Everyone speaks two or more languages, and Swiss scientists sci-entists rank among the best in the world. Enjoying the afternoon and the tasty tray luncheon prepared by the hostess were special guests, Mrs. Ringger, Mrs. J. H. Armit-stead, Armit-stead, Mrs. Donna Ash and club members, Mesdames S. W. Hilton, Thomas Fenton, H. W. Jacobs, a! P. Warnick, Jens P. Fugal, Ford M. Paulson, Burton H. Adams, William C. Smith, Earl A. Beck, Karl Banks, Wesley Jense, Leo P. Harvey, Millen D. Radmall, S. Alma Al-ma Kirk, Oral Wright, John M. Macfarlane, C. A. Gamett, Lewis E. Olpin, Frank B. Newman. |