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Show ! i-M.:;:-o:nK urove Locals i ! ,i ! ' ,!.::, 'Mr; h;ri ii:-; tuii.-.ils r mo . '1 ' .n.!:.y. 1 k i.i K- ' " ' ' I .Mr. ;t:il Mm. I.tn:ins I n rl i i; ami :-!r-n "f 1 ' 'A'-n, Sumlsiy w ill I- I;,!,'." ! !l'-P'. .Mr.i. II. J..r..l, !, Mrs. Kai I :,!.,! Mr.-;. IV;, M ,V:td,-y mol,,--i ' j ,, !',-,,, o Mi,f;i:iv, v.li'1" 'll-y isil-i isil-i ' t ii-.i :. A Nr 1 1 . I, E v I 1 I,.- - i ll , V 1 :n Ml-'i 'I !, 'I li'i!"-- i . . . h in n,i. i , i i'.n '.v i. 'i Mr. .-.ii.l .Mm. f'l.-iml.- MSIl-r ot Stilt J, v.'i'i'c wr-i.-k-i-ml rih-h'i. of Mr. iiml .Mr:!. l:-;i;ie JI:iy-:- Mr. iiihI Mrs. II:in;!d Johnson anil );,,, i I y anil Mrs. Jmm'S I). Thorne and i-on, Cyril, uiti; Sail Lake visitors Sanilay. Mr. anil Mrs. H. I). McKell anil family of I'ayson, were guests of Mr. anil Mrs. James I). Thorne Saturday. Mrs. MVKell is a sislor of Mrs. 'I'll o rnc'H. W. S. Robinson, Mrs. Sabina Allen,' Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Walton and Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Bird of American Fork al leaded the opera "Debutante" Wednesday Wed-nesday evening. Mrs. Ella Halllday and Mrs. Sadie Williams returned the last ot the week from California and -will spend a few days with relatives here before going to their home In Salt Lake. The family of Mrs. Clara Kirk entertained en-tertained at a family dinner Sunday. Tho members ot the family participating partici-pating were: Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Tolman, Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Baxter, Mr. and Mrs. Odeal Kirk and family, Mr. and Mrs. Theron Kirk and family anil Miss Verona Boren. The 44th quorum of Elders, the Bishoprics of rieasant Grove wards and Manila ward and the Stake Presidency Presi-dency and their partners enjoyed a very splendid social Mondav evening in the Third ward chapel. A program, jokes, games and refreshments were enjoyed. Mrs V!..y J,.ii jii was a Salt Lake .;.;?, Wednesday, j Mr. and Mrs. R.-uLen KlILs of Og-d'.-n, were the guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Kills Sunday. Miss Emily Marrott, who is teach-in,' teach-in,' si liool at Park City, spent the week-end with relatives and friends. .Mr. and Mrs. George Miller of Salt Lake Cily, were week-end guests of Mis. Polly Harris. The Primary officers of the Windsor Wind-sor v.-.iH were tho guests of Mrs. Anila Cragun Monday afternoon. I ill. Sn) i : 1) and Russell Keetch, who are attending the U. A. C, were I he guesls of relatives here Saturday and Sunday. Miss Inez Monson, who is employed in Salt Lake Cily, visited Thursday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mar-' Mar-' tin Monson. Mr. and Mrs. George Harris and . litllo son, Warren, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. War-I War-I nick Sunday. For underground brooder equipment, furnace doors and fronts $2.50 and up. See J. P. Fugal and Sons, Pleasant Pleas-ant Grove. adv. Mrs. Floyd Carter ot Garfield, and Mrs. Fred Foutz of this city, entertained enter-tained at a miscellaneous shower Saturday evening In honor of Mrs. Ira. Leffler, formerly Miss Lorraine Nelson, at the home of James A. Nelson. Nel-son. The evening was spent In games and music, after which a prettily arranged ar-ranged luncheon was served. The bride received many beautiful and useful gifts. The out of town guests were: Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Barton and son, Art, Miss Leah Nelson of Garfield, Gar-field, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Foutz, Don Boulter of Magna, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. ! Warnick, Miss Grace Foutz, Miss Viola Vio-la Thorne of Salt Lake City, Mr. and : Mrs. H. M. Steele of American Fork, Elroy Nelson of Provo, Mr. and Mrs. j Ethan Allen and Richard Allen of 1 Park City. Mrs. Thomas Fenton entertained the Young Mothers club at her home Thursday afternoon. Mrs. X R. Adams spent Wednesday ih American Fork visiting relatives and friends. Mrs. Charles Clay and baby of Salt Lake, were the guests of her parents several days this week. Mrs. Mary Jacobs and Mrs. Effie Aston spent the week-end with relatives rela-tives in Salt Lake City. Grant M'axfield, son of Archie Max-field, Max-field, had 'the' misfortune to break his collar bone Wednesday. Miss Lola Taylor of Ogden, and Reed W. Warnick were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Warnick Sunday. Sun-day. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Meecham of Springville, were guests of Mrs. Meecham's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Warnick, Sunday. Mrs. Marie Carlson, who broke her arm; several weeks ago, was able to take her arm out of the cast Wednesday. Wed-nesday. Lawrence Carlson of Manila, who was operated on last Tuesday in the Bingham hospital for appendicitis, is reported to be doing very nicely. The Manila ward Primary association associa-tion entertained Monday afternoon in honor of Lillian Ellis the retiring president. A program and refreshments refresh-ments were enjoyed. Mrs. Myrtle Carlson entertained the Busy Circle club at her home Wednesday afternoon. The time was spent in sewing and social chat. Dainty refreshments were served. Niels Monson, who resides in Salt Lake, spent Saturday with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Rawlings of Salt Lake, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Holman Saturday. George Monson of Salt Lake, snent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Holman. Mrs. Charles B. Walker and small son, John, arrived home Sunday, after having spent the winter ih Long Beach, Los Angeles, and other cities in Southern California. Mrs. Lavina Fugal and Mrs. EfHe B. Adamson, Stake Relief Society officers attended the Windsor Ward I Relief Society Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Eleanor Hayes of Provo, was a guest of her daughter, Mrs. H. E. Johnson and family during the past week. Camp 1, Daughters of the Pioneers, will hold their meeting on Sunday at 2 p. m. in the basement of the tabernacle. taber-nacle. Biography of the dedication of the monument to Mary Fielding Smith, mother of President Joseph F. Smith, will be read and a description of pioneer land marks will be given. All are invited. Among those who attended the Temple Excursion Wednesday were: Bishop and Mrs. D. B. Thorne, Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Walker, Bishop A. L. Cullimore, Bishop A. H. Lowe, Hons Monson, Mr. and Mrs. L. G. West, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Atkinson,' Mrs. B. H. Adams, Mrs. H. E. Johnson Mrs. J. D. Thorne, Mrs. Jennie W. Johnson, Mrs. E. J. Mayhew, Mrs. Maggie Johnson, Mrs. Amelia Boulter, Mrs. May R. Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Niels Fugal, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Nelson, Mrs. Aurilla Smith and Mrs. Annie Kirk. Neighbors and friends of Mrs. Clifford Tomlinson celebrated her birthday Wednesday evening. Mrs. Tomlinson has been ill for several months, but is improving in health, and this social was given as an appreciation ap-preciation by Mrs. Tomlinson's friends. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. James Tomlinson, Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Blackhurst, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Boren, Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Harper, Mr. ahd Mrs. Elwood Baxter, Mr. and 1 Mrs. Charles Marrott, Mr. and Mrs. Hansen, Mrs. Eleanor West, Mrs. Emily Rue, Mrs. Josie Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Walker and Miss Lorena White. The evening was spent in games, a radio program and jokes. Delicious refreshments were served. Dr. D. P. Murray, state club leader and Anson Call, assistant county agent were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Warnick on Friday evening. even-ing. At a meeting at the county agricultural agricul-tural offlce at Provo Wednesday Merrill W. Warnick was appointed director of the Utah County Cow Testing association. a |