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Show American Fork Locals , "resident ami Mi"- s- u Chipman Were visitor:: in I'rovo Monday. j,-s. James M. CI ra nl and Mrs Ka' Nash, were visitors in Salt Laka CP,- Saturday. Mr and Mrs. llclgo Johnson spent Monday in te capitol city on torn-, torn-, b;ned business and pleasure. i.p-. it;! f;i!"n meat f'craps. T,ve '' 11 ell.'-" Soil's hraml. Puly's. adv. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Myers ot Bingham Bing-ham Canyon, were dinner gliosis Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 2'i FTank Bush. All the latest popular re sheet music for sale. Bennett-Warner Radio Shop. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Logsdon and family of Salt Lake City, visited Sunday in this city and Lehi with S relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. George Elsmore, Mrs. ' Valate Pike and Mrs. H. D. Wilcox """of Salt Lake City, were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William R. Hansen. Mrs. Jesse Spafford and children of Standardville, are here for an Indefinite In-definite visit with Mrs. Spafford's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William R. Hansen. p )) Mrs. Agnes Adamson entertained the Sororsis ladies at her home Friday Fri-day afternoon. Radio music, social chat and needle work were the diversions. diver-sions. A delicious two course luncheon lunch-eon was served early in the evening. it Superintendent David Gourley gave niost interesting lesson on "Law -.Observing" before the Advanced 'Senior class of the First Ward M. I. lot A. Tuesday evening. Several of the other Mutual groups adjourned withj gthe Seniors to hear the lesson. j ' Richard Gardner, who is attending I the University of Utah in Salt Lake ! City, spent Saturday and Sunday visiting his parents, Bishop and Mrs. j James T. Gardner. DANCING REVUE by Miss Green's pupils at Cameo Theatre, Wednesday, March 27, in connection with pictures, pic-tures, adv. Mrs. Eric Parthu and Mrs. Clyde Ovard entertained the Z-G class of the First ward at the Parthu home Wednesday afternoon. Games were enjoyed, after which a delicious luncheon was served. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Brown andj J. P. Christensen accompanied Mrs. Eddie Rhodes to her home In Salt Lake City Sunday, after a several days visit here at the Brown home. Thait evening they formed a theatre party and attended "Kongo" at the Playhouse theatre. j -Air. and Mrs. W. T. Smith visited lusi Thursday in Provo with friends : and relatives. No. 3 Corn $2.00 per hundred. Pulley's. adv. Mr. and Mrs. John BucKwalter, Jr., and baby daughter, Joan, of Provo, visited Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Buckwalter and Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Logsdon. Mrs. Betha Smith resumed her work Monday morning at the local J. C. Penney store, after a two weeks vacation in California. Mrs. Smith reports a wonderful trip. All the latest popular sheet music for sale. Bennett-Warner Radio Shop. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brown of Bingham Canyon are the happy parents par-ents of a winsome baby daughter born Saturday, March 16, at the L. D. S. hospital in Salt Lake City. I Mrs. Jesse Crookston and Miss Mi-ryie Cropkston, were business visitors in Provo Wednesday. Vn'.fcm Chick Mash. Play safe. i1' w- s. adv. Mrs. T. L. Larson and family of Midvale, visited las; Friday with Mr. and :,l-s. Fred Peterson and family. Miss Hannah Miller, who is employed em-ployed in Salt Lake City, visited the week-end here with friends and relatives. rela-tives. Miss Sadie Xelson was a guest in Midvale during the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Nicholson. Nichol-son. Mrs. David S. Taylor and daughter. Shirley, spent Saturday in the capi-tol capi-tol city on combined business and pleasure. Mrs. T. A. Masters of Bingham Canyon, spent a day last week visiting visit-ing here with Mrs. June Wright and Mrs. Lyde Wild. Mrs. A. F. Smith arrived home Sunday Sun-day from California, where she has been visiting the past month with friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Dean and baby boy of Salt Lake City, visited Sunday Sun-day with Mrs. Dean's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Edwards. Mrs. Abe Gudmundsen and Mrs. W. D. Stewart in company with Mrs. Le Grande Gudmundsen of Payson. spent Wednesday in Salt Lake City on combined business and pleasure. Jesse Russon attended a business meeting and banquet at the New-house New-house Hotel in Salt Lake City Monday, Mon-day, as a guest of the Salt Lake Glass and Paint Company. Mrs. Irving L. Pratt entertained at dinner Sunday in honor of her husband's hus-band's birthday. Covers were laid for the members of the immediate family and the following guests: Mr. and Mrs. Max Pratt of this city, Mr. and Mrs. Weston Pratt of Lehi, and Mr. and Mrs. Karl Pratt of Provo and their families. Mr. and Mrs. Orin Ashton, Mr. and Mrs. Alma Earl, Mrs. G. H. Gorden, Mr. and Mrs. 0. C. Mercer, Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Priday and Miss Amy Shelley, Shel-ley, attended the Utah Power and Light Company's regular monthly meeting of the Provo District, held last Wednesday in Lehi at the Fifth ward chapel. Following the business discussions, a program was enjoyed, followed by a luncheon and dancing. Ship eggs direct. Get highest New York prices. Investigate. Pulley's. adv. Word was received the first of the week from Los Angeles, California, of the arrival of a fine baby boy at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Adrian D. LeBaron March 14. All concerned are doing very nicey. Mrs. LeBaron was formerly Miss Bethyl Miller of I this city. Mrs. William Miller, Mrs. LeBaron's mother, is in California visiting indefinitely with the happy parents. Mrs. Kenneth Brown entertained at a well appointed dinner Saturday evening in honor of her father, J. P. Christensen. The occasion being his birthday, the dinner favors and menu were suggestive of the event. Covers were laid for the following: Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Makin, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Leon-ard Hagg, Mr. and Mrs. Marris Mad-sen, Mad-sen, M'r. and Mrs. George Webb of this city and Mrs. Eddie Rhodes of Salt Lake City. Following the dinner, din-ner, contest games were played, prizes being won by Mrs. Makin, Mrs. Webb and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Haag. ten a No. 3 Corn $2.00 per hundred. "S Pulley's. adv. 5P The Fourth Ward Primary officers "and teachers held their regular weekly week-ly preparation meeting at the home j 1 of Mrs. Gr.ace Chipman Wednesday, Jevening. In connection with the oi meeting, a social was enjoyed, given In honor of Mrs. Edna Robinson, who sells resigning from Primary work. Games and music were the entertaining entertain-ing diversions, followed by luncheon. I An enjoyable social event of the week was the afternoon luncheon given Friday by Mrs. Leo Meredith. lfyluslc and other social entertainments entertain-ments were diversions of the after-, noon, The guest list comprised: Mrs.' Vern Boley, Mrs. V. F. Houston, Mrs. 1 Helen Heiselt, Mrs. Lee Halstrom, Mrs. Howard Nicholes, Mrs. Eugene Nlcholes, Mrs. Marion Christensen.! Mrs. W. A. Homer, Mrs. Clifford Mill-1 ktr, Mrs. Glen Sykes, Mrs. Clyde Thornton and Mrs. Merril White. Complimentary to Mrs. Dorothy Binacfc of Spring Canyon, formerly Miss Dorothy Adams, Mrs. Harry Steele entertained at a miscellaneous shower Tuesday evening. Progressive Progres-sive games and music were enjoyed during the evening, after which a dainty luncheon was served. There were thirty present. The young bride was presented with many beautiful and practical gifts by the guests. Miss LaRee Chipman returned during dur-ing the week to Heber, where she is employed teaching school, after a ten days visit here with relatives. "Tabby and Bun," noted local songsters, furnished vaudeville entertainment enter-tainment at the Royal and National theatres in ,Lehi Wednesday and Thursday evenings. The Bee Orchis ladies will be entertained en-tertained next Thursday afternoon, March, 28, at the home of Mrs. Earl Carlisle. All members are given a cordial invitation to be present. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Chadwick and son, Keith, of this city and Mr. and Mrs. Bazil Walker of Pleasant Grove, arrived home Wednesday evening from Firth, Idaho, where they attended attend-ed the funeral services of Clarence Robinson Tuesday. Mrs. E. A. Culbcrlson of Salt Lake City, spent last Friday at the home of her sister, Mrs. Ruben Chipman. Saturday, Mrs. Chipman accompanied by her guest Oscar Chipman and son, Kenneth, motored to Eureka, where they visited with Mrs. Roy Myers. Mrs. Joseph Karron was a visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Karron In Provo over the week-end. Don't forget the Easter Cantata at the Fourth ward chapel, next Friday evening, March 19, at 8 p. m. Prices 10c and. 25c. adv. Mr. and Mrs. R. Nielsen Bpent Tuesday in Pleasant Grove, the-guests the-guests of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Noise Noi-se u. Mrs. Ruben Chipman and daughters, daught-ers, Eileen, Sarah and Florence, motored to Salt Lake Ciiy Sunday, where they visited with Mrs. E. A. Culberlson. Mr. and Mrs. George E. Abel and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Abel motored to Salt IjJiko City Sunday, where they visited LeRoy Milchcll, who is in tho Holy Cross hospifal recovering from a recent operation, and with Mi's. Emma Roberts at the L. I). S. hospital, hospi-tal, where she underwent an operation opera-tion for appendicitis last week. Both patients arc reported to bo doing very nicely and will lie brought homo during dur-ing the next week. Use the best uniform' meat scraps. We sell only Swift's brand. Pulley's. adv. Miss Sarah Chipman, winner of the Oratorical contest staged last week at the high school, gave her winning essay "The Origin of the Constitution" Constitu-tion" before the Second ward Mutual members Tuesday evening. Another enjoyable feature of the evening was the "History of Music" given by K. J. Bird, musical instructor at the high school. His address was illustrated illus-trated by several of his students, who interpreted the music typical of the various nations which he discussed in his talk. The ward house was packed pack-ed to capacity. Mrs. Leo Meredith entertained at an afternoon luncheon Thursday for a number of Provo and American Fork friends. The guest list included includ-ed the following: Mrs. Celestia Taylor, Tay-lor, Mrs. Gladys Markham, Mrs. Edith Johnson, Mrs. Ora Lloyd, Mrs. Km m a Dixon, Mrs. Maud Markham, Mrs. Leah Van Wagonen, Mrs. Ixrna Allen, all of Provo, Mrs. Helen Heiselt Mrs. Mary Hill, Mrs. Iva Halstrom, Mrs. Zina Brockbank, Mrs. Rintha Christensen, Mrs. Myrtle Houston, Mrs. Loraine Scott of this city, Mrs. Melba Eldridge and Mrs. Ethel Boy-ack Boy-ack of Salt Lake City. |