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Show Leonard and Melvin Madden or i Iiixrtui.k, California, are visiting iiere , this wcfk with their parents, Mr. and Mi'-S. Morr.s Madden. sa,;,, t j f c - Get highest New ' Aak i rit- --. h, c-siigaie. Pulley's. adv. i ' Mr. and Mrs. Don Clyde oi Heber, ! A'e visiting indefinitely here with Mr. 1 and Mrs. Thomas S. Friday. ! Mrs. Arch X. Peterson entertained a number of friends at her home Wednesday afternoon. Bridge was ! enjoyed, after which a dainty lunch- ! con was served. t ' I i Get the Largest and Best Easter Lilies. See them at Humphries. adv. Mr. and Mrs. Willin.ni Thornton and daughter, Virginia, left Friday for California, where they will enjoy a several weeks vacation. An interesting talk on "Australia" was given by Delbert Chipman to the Junior girls and the First Beehive class of the Fourth Ward M. I. A. Tuesday evening. Don't forget the Easter Cantata at I the Fourth ward chapel, next Friday I evening, March 19, at S p. m. Prices i 10c and 25c. adv. Mrs. A. Chipman in company with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Firraage and daughter, daught-er, Louise, o Provo, left Thursday for California, where they will enjoy a several weeks vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Nielsen and Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Grant were among those who attended "The Desert Song" Tuesday evening at the Paramount Para-mount Theatre in Salt Lake City. The officers and teachers of the First ward Y. L. M. I. A. were enters tained at the home of Mrs. E. J. Sea-strand Sea-strand Monday evening. Business matters were discussed, after which a social was enjoyed. Refreshments were served to fourteen. Mrs. J. P. Christensen of Salt Lake City, was a Monday visitor at the home of Mrs. Margaret Robinson. That evening, Mrs. Robinson entertained enter-tained at dinner for her guest. Covers were laid for Mrs. Arthur Hawkins, Mrs. Rominger, Mrs. Reed Robinson and the members o the immediate family. The Eastern States Mission Society will hold their semi-annual Reunion Saturday evening, April 6, at 8:30 p. m. on the roof garden of the Smith I filiform Chick Mash. Play safe. Pullcv's. adv. Mr. and Mrs. Axel Bloomquist and ' family spent Sunday in Salt Lake City, where they visited Mr. Bloom-quist's Bloom-quist's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Bloomquist, and with Mrs. Bloom-quist's Bloom-quist's brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Hiding Johnson. Miss Doris Cunningham and Miss Mildred Dunkley were hostesses to the Lam da Tail's Tuesday evening at the home of Miss Dunkley. Easter symbols were suggestive in the decorations deco-rations and also in the luncheon menu, which was carried out in an Easter picnic idea and served in j baskets prettily decorated. Progres-; Progres-; sive "Bunny" was played, high score being won by Miss Mae Sutton. Consolation Con-solation honors were awarded to Miss Cleo Bate. Those present were: Misses Mae Sutton, Marion Sutton, j Gladys King, Maurine Bee, Lucile . Olscn, Evelyn Stewart, Melba Hansen, j Norrel Startup, LaRue Startup, Ag-j Ag-j nes Farrer, Margarita Farrer, all of I Provo, Lucile Edwards and Cleo Bate of this city. ! n American Fork Locals (lien Wright, who is employed in Sail Lake City , spent t!'e week-end lien; willi bis mother, Mrs. June Wright. All the latest popular sheet music for sale. Bennett-Warner Radio Shop. Mrs. Ira Nicliolca of Salt Lake City, spout the week-end here visiting visit-ing her mother, Mrs. Lilliar K. Brown, and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Nunley of Moroni, were the guests of Mr. and MVs. Thomas Hutchison Saturday and Sunday. Miss Clarice Bromley was hostess Thursday evening to the Beethoven Club members. Musical entertainment entertain-ment was enjoyed, followed by a delicious de-licious luncheon. There were sixteen present. Ralph Gillispie left for Richfield during the week, where he will be employed by the Mountain States Telephoue and Telepraph Co. i Order Your Easter Lilies iNow. Big Stock. Humphries, Hum-phries, adv. I I Honoring the birthday anniversary of Chief Irving L. Pratt, thirty six I members of the Veteran Volunteer : Firemens' Association and the Ladies , Auxiliary organization of Salt Lake City, motored here Monday morning . and spent the day at the Pratt home. I An interesting program and games . were enjoyed during the day. follow-; follow-; ed by a hot dinner served early in the evening. Mrs. Emma Powell, ' president of the Ladies Auxiliary, : presented Chief Pratt with a beauti-I beauti-I ful bouquet of carnations, and the I two organizations together presented i him with a wonderful personal gift. Among those 'present was President Peacock of the Veteran Volunteer Association. Memorial Building, L. D. S. high school, Salt Lake City. All interested in the Eastern States Mission are cordially invited. The Third Ward Sunshine committee com-mittee entertained last Friday, in honor of Mrs. N. A. Larson. A program pro-gram and games were enjoyed, followed fol-lowed by a delicious lunch. There were eighteen present including several neighbors and close friends. The G. A. Club and their parents were entertained Wednesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Nelson. Group singing was led by Mrs. J. L. Mower, after which the secretary read the minutes. A paper on "The Youth of Eggs" was given by Mrs. Mower. Miss Tess Hines of Springville played several piano selections, after which social diversions diver-sions were enjoyed. A delicious luncn was served by the hostess late in the evening to the following:. Mrs. Abel Boone, Mrs. W. J. Chadwick, Mrs. John Bunton, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Clark, Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Evans, Mr. and Mrs. W. N. King, Mr. and Mrs. Rudolrh Konold, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Mower, Mrs. Joseph Parr, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Edwards, George Evans. William Will-iam Evans of this city and Miss Tess Hines of Springville. The next meeting meet-ing will be held April 2 at the home of Mrs. W. J. Chadwick. |