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Show WA N i Ki ' V : 'ur..- ma:. : ' '.'.; i'l s:on :..; lev.; ;v..,.e. ' - n -"-''-son. ?-''-U i'eod V.-.eat Wantci Hard variety vviil do. Tel. S1-.H, feasant Grove. 3-23-lt 5x10 rod coiner building lot facing-east, facing-east, o blocks north oi Grant Hotel. Inquire Roy Lee. S-2-Sp Baby Chicks Sai:s:aotion in eer-Tice, eer-Tice, quality and price. Leonard Bates, Alpine. 1-19-tf FOR SALE Grey Wicker Baby Buggy in good condition. ?10. Iuquiro at Linch residence two blocks north of Grant Hotel. 3-9-tC For good tractor piowing see A. A. Johnson. Lindon. L'tah. 2-22 -Ip BABY CHICKS Best " of Layers. : R. L. Ashby, American Fork. 12-22-tI I 1300 ten week old extra good pul- 1 lets for sale. L. D. Movie, Alpine. ! Utah. 3-23-lp j FOR SALE Fine January Must Hatch Pullets, deliver on or before April 1st. Telephone 105-W, Lehi. ' 3-23-1 1; FOR RENT Store building, next to Central Telephone office. Inquire of James H. Clarke, American Fork. 3-23-lt Practically new breakfast set and ! USED CAR BARGAINS 1 102S Chevrolet Coach, in very good condition with five good tires, bumpers and motor meter. 1 late 192S Chevrolet ton truck, closed . cab and stake body, -4 wheel brakes. 1 speed transmission transmis-sion aud 32x6 tires. 1 1927 Chevrolet ton truck, closed cab and stake body. 1 192G Ford Roadster truck, steel body, Ruxtell axle. 11927 Ford Roadster. 11925 Ford Sedan. 11921 Chevrolet Sedan. bedroom: furniture for sale. See Mrs. Ruben Chipman, American Fork, j Phone 1SS. 3-23-tf Winter Months Gone Good Lunch j and Cafe, clean and neat, well; equipped. Will sell at bargain. Would consider flock yearling hens as part pay. Apply iCitizen office. 3-2o-2t FOR SALE " CHEAP House and lot lot acre, fruit trees, raspberries, rasp-berries, garden spot, chicken coop for 700 .hens with lights and water and cement floors, also granary and other and buildings. Terms on sale. Amos Wagsaff, American Fork. ;, 2-23-tf Martin Nielsen Auto Co. American Fork, Utah Home For Sale In Alpine By Owner Good home, nearly two acres of land, well watered, well fenced, loaded load-ed with choice fruit. Fine location. $2,800 will buy this place. Small down payment, balance like rent, must go this week. I will be on the place from 2 till 4 p. m. Sunday, March 24. Arthur McDaniel, 9S0 East, 13 South, Salt Lake City. 3-23-lt I I 1 ;- - ' stf oOT I j I' V,'-'A 'j :- o-' oo ' ; ' :"C- ; .' .- :' .' v. i l JJ , I rrr.l m Si V v 1 1 LOWER SERVICE CONNECTION CHARGES ARE ANNOUNCED j MORE SERVICE AT LOWER COST " ""j" ' TP '-n extension telephone for your TX fcx bedroom, kitchen. li! rary for "j I JjyW j- j any room in tho boo;:,e can now '''rCj k nad for lofiS than half toe i;erv- rr. Vl r i iro connection charge that had -fTj L '.j boon effective until March 1. This fcrl-j' I i !1 substantial reduction in charges- ) I" 5 for 'le connection of new equip- V. i ment or changes in fx b; I in;: S'-rv- .TTi I PV N ice Is an obvious benefit to sub- trJ' v H scribors thrcu-ho'it tlo; entire ', X-" "S '' i Mountain Siale-s territory served j I Reductions have also been made in cbarros. for the ,i connection of business telephone extensor q rod for moving ' telephones from one. part of the house or r.fnce to another. j In addition, the charge for chan.-.-i:,: t!,'; tyi of your t !'- J phono (hand, desk or wall set) has L-o-u r(!:,o -i more than ' ' one-half. : , I ! : The reductions are en'irely in v. t! e; (.rmnny 3 ; j I i roll'-- and the- aim of tho I'.eil S'rste,;, "to ;o'--ve: :J,e loest : I j telephone service and the. be:-t at tl," l-. :t co: t to tho : 1 ; public." ! I " " ! j imv:::tt;;:- ..cs; a day ! I For c-v ry vooi. r1 -- , :- j . : -A jji ,,3 : , ' iave led in a f,r. ;.'-r T- !;!.'. '!;; l ,r a f;r-;.:-r ' .,o. ' " ;j i V-.'. '. 1 !"-r I ' 1 F-v. ' ' r-1 ;:rol r-iCi-.;;, 7 i - ;.' .! !: -. , ! e.; --: ii, ', ) , - ry ,r , ' . I Ask Gi: I.'-iti .'.. v 6 cr for Sew CI i urges l-AST Hi K FOR RUST Notice is hereby given to residents of American Fork, that bids will bo received at my office on or before Saturday, March 23, 1929, for tho renting rent-ing of the City Pasture, including the Old Robinson Mill site property and part of Uie Kelly farm. It must he understood that there Is no water right included In the lease and that the bidder must furnish all labor necessary to keep tho fences In repair, re-pair, the material to bo furnished by the city. The council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. By order of Hie City Council. THOMAS A. I1ARRATT, City Recorder. 1st, publication, M'ardi G, 1929. Last publication, March 2;!. 1929. DH. N. C SPALDING j i VETERINARY PHYSICIAN and ! i 1 i SURGEON I - T Provo, Utah j Ofr.co: 73 N. 3 East Street 1 I Phone 617-W i r-r-ccialiilng In Dairy Practice. 1 j ! CSavscn a Umm i t LA .VYf t 'i f T ' CEI.TRAL PRACTICE T ? STECIALIZirJC r f WILLS and PROBATE ! f R,iy El:. more st American Fork i office pvery fourth clay. t 4 i . |