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Show h' - """ : j THE VERY NEWEST STYLES IN VOILES ORGANDIES AND j J DIMITIES. M ij & & j nl:1 L Vt Ifff Jb offered m Q 11 w .1 ) t' i CHILDREN'S6 ENSEMBLES NEJS-Tc?T j H 7 V- Sizes 2 to G. Fast Color Prints &AlKIb j ol -ft 7 1 $1.25 and $1.95 Newest Patterns 1 mM I BOYS' SUMMER UNIONS $5,75 j p f- yy Mesh or Pine Ribbed 50c jBjPPi j PURE LINEN NEW TABLE M Ww j TABLE CLOTHS CLOTHS rISP i i Colored Borders Size 58x54 MiSJit- 1 -. Size 54x54 i nn 'f wlipt I $1.25 . $LQQ Ffl 1 SALE OF KHAKI HIKING MIDDIES AND U I SKIRTS I ; All Sizes. $1.50 Value 75c j l8 j Chipman Merc. Co. I The Store of Quality j MAIN STREET AMERICAN FOEK t-T;J '.""T!, --MIIII-.inp.NI ..II IlLMITH.! . , , II mil Ml III NOTICE Mrs. Jennie Cunningham, American Ameri-can Fork City treasurer, win be at the City Hall on the afternoon ot July 22nd, 23rd, 25th and 27th from 2:00 until 5:00 o'clock to receive re-ceive the City water rate dues. Everyone is urged to kindly take notice. adv. I ANOTHER ADVANCE I .1 IN EGG RETURNS J Ovef $ 1 1 .00 peSLe l g p 01 lictums today (Saturday) for eggs shipped under our new co-operative $ E marketing plans shows an advance of $1.00 per case to producer over last If 2 week's returns. g g GET THE MOST FOR YOUR EGGS j ! Ship and Sell The Xew Direct Wav. Investigate! Act Now' f gi? , , itti ., t -stj LOWER FEED PRICES I R 2 1 Another profit can also be received by using our f j better feeds at less cost. j j ?i Our quality feeds make better eggs. 1 2 MORE FOR EGG-S. FEEDS AT LESS. I o 1 J4ii.Ma i iff ikxVA' FoTr wine or beer or cocktails queer vvSi I have no anxious thirst; J fl XVvVSl 1 n(,vcr si?h for the brew you buy M XcSi .With pretzels or wienenvtu-st PVHMv T11T fountain of youth would hold, in truth 'A it 4 No particular lure for me frMkdZ, Eut I lick my lips for the juicy quips $ T That gi-ow on the L;;urlitcr Tree. ' , JQsp' I AH m.v glass with the smiles that pass C ( "'iS "t 0- lho Hl)S r h:i!py folk, J) I fill my heart with lauj-hs that start "7V & ' From a soni? or a nierrv joko From the jray old earth a'drink of mirth ' Is all that 1 am after. " Dear Life, lill up my daily cup 'J-- Wilh joy and a dash of lau;;htcr! J ks ' ' ' t. Atvvater-Kent Radio ( ' i The Greatest Achieve-1 t ment in Radio since the House Current Set. I i i Screen Grid j Electro-Dynamic ; Ask for a Demonstrate"1; i i Bennett-Werner t Radio Co. f Plione 103-W American Fork, Ut |