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Show Dr. Pierce's Pellets are best for liver, bowels and stomach. One little Pellet for a laxative three for a cathartic. Adv. rout vo" .! v i k3AJMMii nmttA ttrMt iitit OLD AGE PENSION INFORMATION BNOLOSH STAMP JUDGE LEHMAN, HUMBOLDT, BANS, SALT LAKE'S NEWEST HOSTELRY Radio for Every Room A 200 Rooms 200 Baths 5 HOTEL Temple Square Rates $1.50 to $3.0Q 9 The Hotel Temple Squaia has a highly desirable, friendly atmosphere. atmos-phere. You will always tind it immaculate, immac-ulate, supremely comfortable, and thoroughly agreeable. You can therefore there-fore understand why this hotel Is: HIGHLY RECOMMENDED You can also appreciate why: It's a mark of distinction to stop at this beautiful hostelry ERNEST C. ROSSITER, Mxr. ; j 10:45a.m,p.c.t. Yj : i$m&$Ml 3lvVi.te:lWhy Vn5fl.M,HX,j yp njxrn r nj ixl a Protect your skin, a9 well as the tender skins of your children, by regular regu-lar every-day use of a soap that does more than cleanse. Containing the soothing, healing Cuticura properties, Cntlcara Soap safeguards the skin, protecting it from redness, roughness and disfiguring irritations. irrita-tions. Best for you and LaLy too. Price 25c. Proprietors : Potter Drug & Chemical Corporation, Maiden, Mass. |