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Show Services Held For Mrs.X. R. Kitchen The large attendance at the funeral fun-eral services coupled with the profusion pro-fusion of flowers which banked the rostrum of the stake tabernacle Thursday afternoon, January 17, manifested in part the esteem and sympathy felt for the family of L. R.Kitchen in the death of the wife and mother, Mrs. Marinda Kitchen, 33, which occurred the preceding Monday. The services began at 2 o'clock with Bishop T. A. Greenwood in charge. Mrs. Harvey Robbins and Mrs. Arthur Nillson rendered as the opening open-ing selection a vocal duet "Jesus Lover of My Soul", which was followed fol-lowed by prayer offered by James D. Rawson of the Sandy ward bishopric. A vocal solo "I Know That My Redeemer Re-deemer Lives" was sung by Mrs. Philip Greene with violin and organ accompaniment played by Milton Brown and Mrs. Owen Humphries. The speakers for the occasion: who testified to the splendid character the deceased possessed and the consolation con-solation the L. D. S. church doctrines offer in times of sorrow were Irving L. Pratt, Raymond Monson and President Clifford E. Young, and closing remarks were made by Bishop Greenwood. Additional musical numbers were a violin solo "Perfect Day" played by Milton Brown and a vocal solo "Christian's Good Night" sung by l Mrs. Clifford E. Young. 'Mrs. Owen Humphries was accompanist for the services. The closing prayer was offered by Bishop Lot Robinson. Interment was made in the City cemetery where the grave was dedicated dedi-cated by Bishop T. A. Greenwood. The business houses were closed during the time of the services. n |