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Show Everett T. Devey Homo From California t.iission Kveret.t T. Devey, son of Mr. and Mrs. .luliii I)r;vey, J."., arrived home last Tliinhday from 'Jalifornia, where he lias apenl. the past 27 months labor ing as an L. D. S. missionary. The past six months of his mission, he was president of the San .lose District. Dis-trict. The following lc'tcr received at this ollice this week from Elder Devey heller explains his attitude toward to-ward his mission. Tim American Folic Cilizen American Fork, T.'lah. Dear lireMiern: It is llirough the onlward expression expres-sion of an inward .feeling of deep appreciation ap-preciation that I now attempt to In addition to that we must also give them credit for sowing seeds that we have harvested. My little more than two years of missionary work in California were the 'wo most enjoyable years of my life tints far and allow me to further r ay, that had it not been for the arrival ar-rival of the American Fork Citizen i'.'k h week to keep me acquainted wilh home affairs it could not have been so enjoyable. Again thanking you for your exceeding ex-ceeding kindness toward me I Remain very sincerely your brother in the Gospel, Everett T. Devey. o thank you for your most kind consideration con-sideration of me as a missionary of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Latter-day Sainls, in sending to mo while I was in the mission field the home town p.aper, the "Citizen." Tito free sending of the Citizen to all the missionaries from American Fork, Pleasant Grove and Alpine, I think to be one of the fine characteristics character-istics of your paper which goes to make it worth while; inasmuch as the missionaries pay their own expenees if it were not sent to them free many of them would not be able to take it due to the lack of financial means on their pai Through it being sent free it is an Incentive to them to return home when their mission if finished and help carry on other similar good work that must go on if the city is to progress as it should. I for one, highly appreciate your kindness in sending it to me. During the past two years and three months I labored iiv ihe California Mission and directly In the San Jose District. Our former district President Presi-dent Delbert J. Pi .gal of Pleasant Grove about six months ago gave a very splendid report to you I saw it published tin the Cilizen later of the activities in that section of the mission mis-sion by the former Alpine Stake Missionaries, Mis-sionaries, therefore, I will not say j much in that regards, suffice it to sayj that the district wherein so many Al- pine Stake missionaries have labored j is in a better condition than it has j ever been. There was more work that is able to appear on record almost ! all missionaries can appear on record done in the San Jose District than ' was done in the whole mission just ; twenty years ago and less than half, as many missionaries to do the work. ! This does not cast upon the mission-1 aries of the mission twenty years ago any shadow as to their earnest labors but rather as to their earnest labors,! for the people in California are more' susceptiable to the gospel than then. |