Show Negative Ne Attitude Hurts Dr Leon R. R McCarrey associate as- as associate associate as as- commissioner of higher high high- er education Wednesday told Industrial Relations Research Association members that many negative at attitude attitude attitude at- at toward technical education education education tion is seriously detracting from the success of their children's childrens childrens children's chilen's chil chil- drens dren's ens en's education UNTIL WE can fully accept the tle premise that those in vocational vocational vocational vo vo- vo- vo education have the same social standing and prestige prestige prestige pres pres- tige as those who are attending attending attending attend attend- ing other types of colleges and universities we will not educate educate educate ed ed- ed- ed those students who need vocational training to prepare for an occupation McCarrey said It is up to parents students students students stu stu- stu- stu dents educators business and labor leaders to overcome this negative attitude according according according accord accord- ing to Dr McCarrey Too many individuals assume that vocational vocational vocational voca voca- education Is somehow in in- UNTIL Tl THIS S attitude is changed many students who should be enrolled in these types of occupational programs will wm flounder through an academically academically academically aca aca- oriented program and eventually drop out of school with no marketable skills he s said id McCarrey pointed out that of every students who graduate from high school 81 say they will go on for a degree at a college or uni uni- But only about 56 of f the 81 ever make it to the institution and only 20 actually receive degrees THE FACT that approximately approximately approximately 47 per cent of our population eventually ends up in an occupation which falls into a vocational or technical job classification no longer can be ignored Pointing to parental attitudes attitudes attitudes atti atti- tudes as the main influence in where a child goes after high school McCarrey said the attitude that vocational education is an excellent course of study for mv my neighbors neighbor's neigh bors bor's child but not for mine hes he's going to be a doctor is preventing many of the really talented students from ever pursuing the fields in which they would be most successful HE CALLED for a reassessment reassessment reassessment reassess reassess- f ment of national priorities pointing out that Congress spends 4 million for remedial manpower programs for every 1 million spent on vocational education While we are faced with massive salvage and rehabilitation rehabilitation tation problems it appears to me that our national priorities priorities priorities need to be reexamined IT COSTS much less to educate educate educate ed ed- ed- ed students properly before first experiencing failures than it does to carry them on our welfare rolls for life or at attempt attempt attempt at- at tempt to rehabilitate indi indi- individuals individuals after they have made the wrong decision McCarrey suggested some positive steps to overcome the problem FIRST PRESENT and future aspirations and expansion expansion expansion sion in vocational education should be carefully planned Before new vocational institutions institutions institutions are created to serve manpower programs including including including ing those for tor the disadvantaged disadvantaged disadvantaged careful assessment should be made of what presently presently presently pres pres- exists Then with this as background the State should push for forA forA forA A Greater emphasis on on training programs for the disadvantaged dis- dis advantaged ADDITIONAL training programs programs programs pro pro- grams or expansion of existing existing existing exist exist- ing programs in health occupations occupations occupations oc oc- oc- oc heavy-duty heavy mechanics ics auto mechanics refrigeration refrigeration refrigeration and air conditioning ng environmental environmental en en- planning technology technology technology ogy maintenance technology and teaching major in vocational vocational vocational voca voca- education More emphasis on the relevancy of general education education l t tion and broadening of such programs as physical education education education r tion at the technical colleges colleges- and CONCERTED effort to improve improve improve im im- im- im prove the quality of programs offered But most important according according accord accord- ing to McCarrey l is the necessary necessary necessary sary attitude change in the parents If the end product is to improve we must attract to various kinds of vocational programs all aU kinds of stu stu- 3 superior dents well as as those of lesser ability It is just justas as impossible to develop a highly skilled mechanic out of much of the raw material now sent to the auto mechanics instructor as it is to produce high grade steel from poor quality materials McCarrey j said T |