Show PUREBRED SIRE IS VALUABLE lp experimental I 1 proof I 1 le secured leml ml showing his exact value on scrub cows cowa keep up U p R stord record use good sires sam for the sire is halt ch the herd held this is SO an old and generally accept ed themy of bi bleeding reding but now for fop the first time experimental proof has haa been seemed showing the exact value of the par purebred bred daily sire on scrub wag ams fifteen scrub cows m were ere used in the elmerl el perl u t aad d these were b bred tit to plim bied bm bulls ils ot of three brue h hoi he stein let guernsey tied and jersey daughters of all 11 but one of the bulla bell showed an increase IQ in pio production over T young jerseys jersey thur dams the one me exception P proves PCS CS tm th mc ity of selecting only prepo 11 tent t b bulls ill la bais the case of the hoisted Hoti tela tiou cross tha ui heifers heffers increased on the average 71 per ile cent 1 in culk aad it 42 per par coal cent 1 in butterfat buiter fat production oer or their do dams productions and the other bre breeds e a cot boire coire re spon dlug io increase 1 in detecting a dairy bull gin study y the blood lines in the pedigree and t the r rec bor ob made by his bis dam and be both th grand ad dams a a keep p production p d ti records record ot of your our tue s and cull out the poor p producers th the fact brought out at by this ex 1 estment way may be taken take as a definite lu in di estfon of the great value 0 of f g good d elm 1 in 11 ahe tol stock breeding I 1 in go general X r a 1 |