Show DRIVEN BACK BY RUSSIANS NIGHT ATTACK UPON THE SUL BUL GARIAN FORCES RESULTS IN VIC VICTORY TO R Y FOR HUSS germans dr drive back the russians russian for far a mile and a half aft after r foa fierce iud fighting in 1 I around ad I 1 the T I 1 a I 1 swamp mp i london victoriaa Victor iea of considerable proportions kopor tons have b been c achieved loved ba t the ger germane an over the russians and by the russians russian over the bulgaria Bulga rians the german success occurred in the region ot of riga where in violent fight ing J they the drove back the russians tor for a an mile and a hate half between the tirol en amp and it the river rival A aa and ast it ol of tho the v village of al inen fill fifteen h hun an dred russians were in made its prisoner pream er A night burp attack gave the rua russians in the their victory le ry over tile the but g ganana mou on the sent southern hare or arm of the in danube estuary near a A r T Tul U rican where the bulgarians Bulga rians had made do an AL ad advance tuesday with ba Bes sarabia rabia their object tive live while berlin only menti mentions the of the position petro gm grad a says ya the bulgarian force a hat but tell strong was as destroyed except flie officers ficare mis and 1332 me men who were of nord made prisoner or bombardments and it operations by raiding lading parties continue to feature T a to re the righting fight nig on 4 the other the fronts front a al though in in the austro amar italian tell no theatre the Aust Ans nana trims tn in the vicinity of gor izia in an it attack lack h have a ve captured an 1 italian trench ell in made de prisoner ot of me men and captured three machine g guns considerable aerial activity he has been base in n on the front in pre france in n which both sides lost ine machines whine |