Show HIGH SCHOOL NOTES Pm principle ciple H homer r of the fi AC has cordially invited the students tude nl of the P H 8 to visit the B A C one en day d u ring t the he farmers roundup round up and as aa the thirteenth of february is the only day on which out oat basket be ball I 1 I 1 boys can meet the B A C team in a game it has haa been decided that we will accept the kind invitation on an that day dav prin romer homer has haa geyr kindly made arrangements arrange menta for a free lunch at noon and a dancing matinee in the afternoon for all the visiting students atu denta monday night our basket ball boys boya met the milford high school hoy boys in the most interesting ball game of 0 the season the score to the very last was waa in favor of our parowan carowan boys then the millord milford boys boya made an extra effort making makina the final score 19 to IS 18 in the their favor on friday some of the P 11 9 0 students held a very enjoyable tine lung party after skating for some time a very appropriate lunch was wa served by the lady members present the program for our student body meeting which was held as uto usual on friday was a very resti ca air and educational to all present |