Show editor head now clean the tubes times editors head is 13 now clean at least the embate part and this is the file how n of I 1 it A W drill I 1 Pa rowans fiffi affable this b barber a aber hailed the he editor the other d day ay and asked him to step in the he shop h p a moment upon entering the echtor editor was greeted with this line of talk say kid your bour head is dirty take a bottle of my mv close and give it a good cleaning it will cost you nothing the editor left the barber shop with a quart bottle battle of and hied himself to his office and be gan the operation of el carim his head the outside of it and found that mr me drill wait waa right for the close cleaned out about a pound of printers ink besides a quart or two of dandruff the editor now has haa no hesitance in recommending drills 0 a e to the readers of the times |