Show parowan carowan Pa rowan ulmes vimes published every wednesday carowan parowan Pa rowan if f 01 company P ty si alez alex H rollo editor and manager subscription RATES 1 50 one year 75 six months montha 50 four month always payable in advance Entre red as second a class amr matter mattar at the post office at parowan carowan utah october 27 1915 prices Rca reasonable Reao smalle advertising rates made known on application Pa Parow rowen nn utah jan 31 19 1917 17 we CAN do you print rag dg Sub sorbe now j WWW E R liston harness and shoo shoe maker amm hmm garnem oiled and R repaired asor d shoe repairing a specialty specially stock Harne aa sad 1 carry cany in aln adlea collars bridles etc utah read the advertisements advertise menta the ads are worth reading W ww I 1 the badge 1111 of quality 1 c wherever you se see e this emblem 1 you will find a car that is giving continuous motoring satisfaction let it be your safety first sign agn starting and lighting to investigate th the e dort ort DA htiu it 30 10 beira le of experience in building battling vehicles eli and automobiles complete read these brief specifications if and write for catalog or better still see atie dort C connecticut ea at 1 our show how rooms ignition 74 7 4 J DAVID LEIGH AGENT LUND UT au all weather W ahio on rear tread td T d PIMA mail 1 1111 N ig 1 1111 1 FIN VON 66 ORT ivus i T C 0 S E if it cleanses the scalp and puts yi 69 69 i fl new life into the hair 11 ta 69 TRY IT 6 A W DRILL barber parowan carowan Pa rowan J 1 i J james younger s T 69 i in fi yi i general line of groc groceries eries I 1 I 1 I 1 want all my old friends to know that I 1 am now per perma 3 bently located in lund and will ill be pleased to have you f arl make my place your headquarters when in town 3 ROOMS TO RENT L I 1 location lund utah 3 ww WANTED you to come and get freh beef and mutton at the CITY MEAT MARKET the best always on sale aident and cut to suit you sanitary shop and cour ta icons treatment at all times afi 31 john A davenport prop parowan carowan Pa rowan utah 33 SS SS S S SE S BRING YOUR J HIDES PELTS 1 I M ill to fir t the ie jannedy Jan nely whet where you can get f ajl t the lightest cah in anee ice for them 1 ft ta and le lemeel member ier that you can buy the best beat in li llyl chronic chrome and vegetable leather afi A 31 patronize home industry wm win pritchard carowan parowan Pa rowan sm utah cj s t el dr dryl telephone power powe la Is there another institution which gives so ao and charges so little comparatively as the telephone exchange it supplies the equipment and an operator who connects 3 ou oil up for a con nation vei and charges you about what pay for foi a di ink h out the city eflina you did you ever compute the saving that one ime month isee access to the TELEPHONE s gave you on in time and expense leerie do tor so rid and compare your answer with our estimate in next issue IRON COUNTY TELEPHONE COMPANY |