Show DIES HT AT PROVO CITY frank bentley of this city succumb to an a attack of pneumonia of 22 hours hour duration friday night worl jorj was received fay by phone from provo city that frank bentley a resident of this city who he had been working at silver from an in attack of pneumonia of 22 hours houra duration As near as can be learned at the present the circumstances of th the e illness and death of mr bentley benthey ar are e as follows he had worked all day thursday and after supper went to in an entertainment tain tam ment ending nf shortly after its clow close late that night he was stricken with pneumonia and ad suffered offered intensely all day friday he was taken take to the provo hospital and medical aid was secured but it seemed that the ravishes of the decease would not respond to medicine and skilled nursing and be died friday night at 6 the parents of the young map man were notified of his illness and immediately left for his bedside but did not teach reach provo before death claimed its victim the body was embalm ed and sent to for far burial buna arriving here sunday night funeral services will wil be held in the ta bernaLle bernade this afternoon frank was highly esteemed by all who knew him and was waa a hard working young roan man of excellent character he ha was a firm believer in the pales of the church of jesus christ of latter day sam saints and bad performed a mission with honor to himself and the church he was also quite active at all times timea in religious matters in this city citti and was wag by all to be a conscientious ious and sincere young man the deceased is snout 28 year of 1 age aee and unmarried he leaves his parents and 3 brothers and 3 ingery besides other relatives to mourn his hia untimely death |