Show UTAH STATE NEWS HEWS james jamea A bell bean one ot of the utan pioneers who was with the first provo P settlers in 1819 died january 19 at hla his bao home in n provo william laxa green miner 28 yeara bearis ol of age 0 ot t IN lieeie its canyon attempted aid ul clde cl d a at salt lake taking maidon but it 1 fa believed he be will recover the stale late auditor a office fit last week leaned issued warrants urit to tine amount at ol of if 1 16 ta i c covering G vering bounties on predatory a animals n is fop 0 the last six bix months A 0 smoot select who he was nominated fo lor postmaster ol of provo prove several weaks several afo 91 was continues coul by t the alast senta t las week 11 he succeeds james jamea cl clove A fine in a ol of too was waa imposed on wal ter tep B bedr of ogden who wat wai fee found rid guilty ol 01 f having shipped 4 r bayed ay it fruit out ol of the state ol of colo r rado ad I 1 mra south sarah moir marler ot of lew laton ton was waa seriously wounded when a 22 calibre rifle in the hands bands of her ayon 14 SOB was accidentally ly dis charged with a celebration on a the part ol 01 1 ahe reau republicans alimas lincoln a birthday february feb rose Y I 1 13 will be remembered remember a it in ID sult salt lake in all more or lop pretentious m man net ner the than im during 1916 there was completed in salt lake 8 acif t a of street paving as 5 against miles mile contracted tor for according cc to the annual report of it the supervisor ot of streets ground commit tor far the raw new sugar igni factory ot of the west cache sugar company compan which will be erected elected at cornish I 1 aa an apo approximate amate cost of will wil b be a bolk broken immediately frank frands francis for or the past twenty set years editor of the tha evening I 1 standard d ot of ogden was elected secretary ot di the ogden publicity bureau succeed 1 ing 19 9 jill P casey resigned that lit exists a t to such an ex Vt tu ahia rauma test tent in Idill miniard ret and it washington conn ties thit it may he be rac necessary essary to kill a ill great let number her of at cattle Is 5 announce tion ed ad by the state broad board ot of b health A resolution left urging the glee governor rear and legislature to crown create a salaried position of state tot himi humana alin lm inspector apet was adopted at a meeting last just week of at the utah humane Ha tenne society at salt lake As a result ot of tile the activities of more tha than hundred sportsmen who parti floated in a hibbit drive at monument the poor ol of ogden will have hava enough I 1 rabbit abbit meat to last them several days roland rimal D williams who was mya my tr crimely imely shot hot and it killed last just week 1 in oklahoma city wass was well known own in salt lake he w was Us a music usla tac teacher I 1 and opened a studio there is with ith his wits wife 1 in 1908 the salt lake real este estate to janaia lion GOP will petition the legia legislature latu tor let a repeal ot of the let act passed by the last legislature limiting the rate late of ter taxa can to ma an aggregate ot of 17 mills which any county can levy on prop a erty r ty an ain avalanche in cottonwood gulch burled the cabin 1 in which W 40 B bear sharp P lived filed and ad who when be was dug out f from man the tha ruina mine ot of the cable cabin he was vias so f tar gone that he died just as aa he w wis axle being u carried into the hospital at buaghman bingham th the efforts of the salt lake laka co corn mercial and rotary clubs to in obtain the 1918 convention of the national llva live stock association for salt lalie lake city fly were wera crowned with success in cheyenne W ayo yo where ore the livestock men voted to come in 0 o salt lake text next year just how to pro provide ids legally tor for the ast estimated d deficit in he school about funds of the state tot made ads feces on sary under older the operation of at the pres prea ent tax law and incident to the growth of school population I 1 in utah is the profit problem an now confronting altah L tab sail edu catl catora Al although the mess message 19 1 la regarded Us as the work of 1 a demented person pers an rather than thit 0 of A an a I 1 W W post to orfice inspectors he haie been trying to lea learn th the identity lilly of in man who sh dropped a threatening a teal g nota at I 1 in a one ot of the receiving b boicey at th aba ogden post postoffice office tico on complaint of A w woman that her h husband band lost his hia monthly pay cheik of more ere than in a gambling gerne game b in S salt all lake suit and that she ahe and her obil children dle we were deprived of t the b i ties of lire life as a result the police in made cipole bated a raid mid on the p place lien and it ai rested six am men on charges ot of gambling commanders ot it the various units lit of UI the national guard guald of utah intend conferring with the commit it too teea of the eitam 1911 legislature star in a few days and placing filming bedol tile the commit tees the tin metal needs it of the militia la in order to keep I 1 its stran strength gill 1 in al ac cord or dince acce with the federig program charley earth barth aged 11 of ogden has confessed to w writing ni ing I 1 black blackland hand letters to the mother of ce leota lama dull aged 30 10 young booth was ma marames enamour ramer ed ad of the little hits girl gill and threatened to kidnap her bar if her mother did not f forbid the attentions of other you youths t h he has baa promised abe to ta good gold in the future the program pro grall tor for the ug in farmers roundup round up abid ad H houseye beeb opera per conter leafe sees ence to toe all held under the it direction 1 of the extension diachun of the cliff i agriculture ballge at login log LOS in from ja wry sa to february 3 has haa just net been beca announced the abutting utting Bh ott it of gas and ad the tha turn to ing S ot of it on shortly barfly afterward by the fas company at salt lak lake 1 IB thought to h have caused a full fatality I 1 fly the 1 victim I lotical wag w W T rand 24 years a of age a br k lun on the denver rio grando grande railroad raffled it Is b believed 11 ved he ha was vaa as As he ba |