Show WORLDS MARKETS st louis aug 29 Wool Steady and western medium 14 1115 coarse new york aug 29 sugar raw barely steady refining 3 38 3 8 centrifugal 96 iobst 3 78 7 8 molasses sugar ali 8 refined steady crushed powdered granulated new york aug 29 money on call firm at 3 per cent bar silver 58 12 1 2 new york aug 29 the brangers grangers Gr angers pacific Southwest erna chalers and united states steel stocks all showed good fractional gains in the opening dealings but little inquiry developed in tha first hour tor fid stocks and they gradually loat their opening gains smelling smelting Sm elting suffered from a resumption of yesterdays selling and lost 2 14 1 4 chicago aug 29 december wheat opened at 71 1271 1 68 6 8 shorts covered quite freely around 71 12 1 2 after fter reaching 71 34 3 4 the marked sa gad to 71 18 1 8 glos 68 58 5 8 september 68 58 68 5 83 4 December 71 1871 1 14 1 4 may 75 san francisco aug 29 wheat in december 12 1 2 spot quiet 96 1497 1 12 1 2 kansas city aug 29 cattle re beat steers higher others strong hogs receipts strong ac higher sheep receipts 1000 steady omaha aug 20 cattle receipts 2500 strong to loc higher hog ac higher sheep receipts 1600 steady to ahado lower denver aug 29 receipts steady hogs receipts steady chicago aug 29 battlo receipts including 1200 kesans 1700 we sterns steers ten cents higher active butchers strong we sterns and texans loc higher western steers hogs receipts today tomorrow jett over five at seven and one half higher steady top receipts ten at higher lambs steady good to choice western sheep western lambs |