Show university OF UTAH SALT LAKE CITY the university of utah comprises thorough collegiate courses leading to degrees in general science liberal arts and mining and electrical engineering besides which the state normal school and a preparatory school are conducted under the direction of the university faculty excellent opportunities are offered to students who desire to pursue electrical and mining engineering courses and also courses in arts and general science the laboratories are thoroughly equipped for work in chemistry assaying electrical measurements general physics mineralogy and biology shops are provided for work in wood and metal tho normal school offers a four years course leading to a certificate of graduation and advanced courses leading to a degree and a normal diploma the certificate entitles the holder to teach in any of the common schools of the state for five years without examination the normal diploma is equivalent to a life certificate the training school and kindergarten connected with the normal school are equipped in accordance with the most modern ideas manual training and laboratory practice in elementary sciences are features of the normal training courses A small annual registration fee Is required but no tuition is charged fall term begins september alth send for annual which gives full information concerning courses etc D R ALLEN secretary |