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Show ,',,. . BINGHAM NEWS , . "" ; J CHURCH NOTICES f .Holy. Rosary Church, Bingham ' Sunday Masses: f Every Sunday, 10:30 a. m. First Sunday, 8:30 & 10.30 a.m. i Copperfield , Second and fourth Sundays 9:00 a. m. Highland Boy Third Sunday at 9:00 a. ra. Sunday School after Mass. ' Rev. John Ryan, C. S. C, Pastor. L.D.S. CHURCH Evening service on Sundays, 7:30 p. m. Sunday-schoo- l, 10:30 a. m. Primary, Monday afternoons at 3:30. Priesthood meeting on Mon-day evenings at 7:00 p. m. Relief Society meets on Tues-day afternoons at 2:00. Everybody cordially invited to attend. WHAT'S BEHIND THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM? The extensive resources of the Federal Reserve System are great enough to cope with any financial situation. ' This fact was very effectively demonstrated dur-ing the business depression of the past two years. This Bank is proud, indeed, that it has the priv-ilege to be a member of the Federal Reserve Sys-- . tem and associated with an institution that means so much in our national banking business. ; Bingham State Bank BINGHAM, UTAH OFFICERS L. S. Cates, Pres. S,herman Armstrong, 1st Vice Pres." C. E. Adderly, Vice Pres. Leo F. Tietj en, Cashier New Wasatch Hotel 'Sunshine in Every Room" For accomodations like home, stop at 78 WEST BROADWAY , SALT LAKE CITY Say It With Flowers Give as your orders for all kinds of ait flowers, potted plants and ferns NEIL O'DONNELL Phone 17 J"vlcAI TMN SOLEMN appreciation of the sSLfcALbi II 1 gre,t responsibilities entrusted to Jkj! LiM 4 ficient and sympathetic service at JkL "We Understand" O'Donnell & Co. NEIL O'DONNELL, Manager Main Office, Salt Lake City. Phone Wasatch 6461 JACK'S PLACE i i G. M. Gregory, Prop. ; ; ' '. ' - s WE SERVE THE BEST OF EVERYTHING . SOFT DRINKS AND EATS FISHING TACKLE . of all Kinds ' . GUNS, SHELLS and all HUNTING SUPPLIES OPEN EVENINGS and SUNDAYS Phone Wasatch 2881 77 West 2nd South St Salt Lake City LARK MERCANTILE . . 1' 'I "GENERAL MERCHANDISE FRESH AND CURED MEATS I' ! LARK, UTAH American Railway Express Co. JOHN HOG AN, Agent Phone 186 470 Main Street BINGHAM Across the street from the Postoffice, Mr. Hogan has been appointed State Auto Inspec-tor for Bingham and can furnish you with new auto plates. FOR SALE A $500.00 upright piano with dark oak finish, splendid tone and in good condition with An-gel- us attachment, 50 rolls of standard music and music bench A big cash down bargain $150.00 Apply Bingham News Office ajt Once. KENY0N HOTEL LOCATED IN CENTER OF CITY ABSOLUTELY MODERN "Where yon can always find a Birighamite" Main and Second South Street SALT LAKE CITY The Woman's Bank UTo matrons who desire a household account a place to keep their money, we urge that they come to this bank where safety and accuracy are permanent. flWhen you have a tidy sum saved we will advise as to in-vestment. This is a service we cheerfully render our pa-trons. The Central Bank of Bingham BINGHAM CANYON, UTAH WE SPECIALIZE In Cakes and Pastry fresh every day and are prepared to serve you with any particular pastry if ordered a day ahead ' OUR BREAD IS WELL KNOWN IN THIS CAMP AND HAS ALWAYS BEEN THE BEST Standard Bread Co. BINGHAM CANYON, UTAH 536 Main St., Phone 187 Don't Forget - Edith & Elaine's BEAUTY PARLOR 421 Main Street Phone 261-- for appointments. AMERICAN LEGION ' POST No. 30 Special Meeting Monday Night March the 10th AH Service Men Are Requested to Be Present FRESH FISH EVERY WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY during the LENT SEASON PHONE 63 Wells Groceteria . BASKET BALL (Continued frum page one) Dunn, c 12 2 2 20 Williams, rf 8 2 1 17 Smith, lg 0 -- 0 4 C. Knudson, rg 1 0.0 2 Bagley, If ... 0 10 0 Vance, rf 'jz. 1 0 0 2 Totals : 26 7 4 56 Utah Copper Mills G T-- F TP Walbeck, If 1 4 4 6 Reed, rf 1 0 0 2 Thompson, c 2 115 F. Archibald, lg 0 10 0 Martin, rg .....2 2 0 4 Egbert, c 1 2 0 2 C. Archibald, rg 1 0 0 2 Totals .. 8 10 6 21 BINGHAM HIGH BASKET-EER- S LOSE OUT AT TOOELE The Bingham High School basketeers were defeated by the Tooele team on Friday last in the Tooele High School, the to-tal score being 22 to 20. Altho a number of fans at-tended from Bingham the game proved to be one of the slowest of the season. Chiara played some capable ball. The score: Bingham G T-- F TP Greathouse, If 1 0 0 2 Alias, rf 11 6 6 8 Siddoway.c- - 0 2 0 0 Chiara, lg 3 .5 0 6 Rimby, rg 1 4 2 4 Vietti, lg 0, 10 2 Totals 6 18 8 20 Tooele G T-- F TP Adams, If 5 4 1 11 Gowans, rf 0 10 0 Shields, c 2 2 15 Barber, lg 1 2 0 2 Roundy, rg 2 0 0 4 Anderson, rf 0 0 0 0 McBride, c 0 0 0 0 Totals 10 9 2 22 Referee L. Spencer. Umpire Lambert. Did It Ever Occur toYou That now is a good time to re-new your subsctiption as this week we commence our wonder-ful new serial story. That Mac gets his usual old pep when he is around Bingham. That parents are advised to tell their children they must not climb on the backs of cars as they pass the schoolhouse. That succesful borrowers al-ways get credit for their efforts. That the more some men talk the more trouble they pile up for themselves. That when your credit runs down, creditors wind you up. That the campaign organiza-tions of both old parties are moving like well oiled machines. That our Fire Departments get busy quicker than many paid organizations. That the basket ball teams of Bingham get the full support of the fans. That there is no use to try to keep a good thermometer down. That Jack, at 77 West Second South, Salt Lake City, can furn-ish fishermen with all kinds of bait, including angle worms. Look for the "Wampus cat" That Dr. Goshen at the Pan at Salt Lake City on Sunday last severely criticised the city offi-cials, and said that if the same attention was paid to the run-ning down of bandits and burg-lars as they did to running down ordinary citizens Salt Lake would be a better place to live in. That how some women can kiss each other without biting is a puzzle to some men. ; - That free speech is a blessing even if it does get some men in trouble. That receipts for prolonging life does'nt interest some peo-ple. That law presumes a man in-nocent until he is found guilty, the public is inclined to hold him guilty until he is proven inno-cent. That in the old days girls used to hang over the old garden gate and talk to their boys, now they hang over the telephone line. That one rule that was intend-ed to work both ways is the Gol-den Rule. That probaply the hardest thing one could ever do is to re-sign a political office for the "good of his order." That the weather forecaster gave a correct reply recently. Well accidents will happen once in awhile. That there are some women who have histories but they don't want them published. ' That we suppose a bachelor has the riht to live that way, but wouldn't it have been great if Adam had been one. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Pease Called Geneyieve Beverly Pease, the little grand-daught- er of Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Pease died at the home of her grand-paren- ts here on Saturday last. She was born in Bingham on February 25th, 1922. Funeral services will be held from the L. D. S. Ward-hous- e in Bingham, with interment in the Sandy Cemetery under the direction of Howard Lee, of the O'Donnell Undertaking Co. Author of Seventy Novels E. Phillips Oppenheim Although he Is an Englishman and makes hi 8 home exclusively la his own country, he may be styled an Interna-tional novelist, for he undoubtedly ha as many readers In America as across the sea; In fact, his popularity Is about as great In this country as that of any one of our native writers. If the average British novelist were as wise as Oppenheim In the tastes of his public and did not All his books with so much about tea, tennis and domestic Infidelities, he might also be as popular at home nnd abroad, Op-penheim is modern enough, especial-ly when treating of the modern girl, but he slicks mostly to the old stand-by- s of love, romance, adventure and mystery; and as a proof that It pays, may be citi'd the fact that he Is au-thor of seventy novels, probubly an jnequuled record. - ...... |