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Show mm mimmmmm Chew it after " I every meal lyfffTi " stimulates (Fv. appetite and 1 ' & y aids digestion.' yi JbrO 1 makes yoor IsimufiiiiiWiiiiiiras good. Note how. It relieves tbat stnlly feeling alter hearty eating. r'lk?7jVVh1,en" teeth. , yS.yHs!6'V breath and rOhJ lr" " uy Sill 'DANDELION BUTTER COLOR" A harmless vegetable butter color used by millions (or GO years, lrug stores and general stores sell bottles f ''Dandelion" for 85 cents. Adv. "CASCARETS" FOR LIVER AND BOWELS 10c A BOX Cures Biliousness, Constipation, Sick EJeadaehe.Indlgestlon. Drug stores. Adf, , at's what -1 1 jvfillioiis p of women m Iiavedosie :i I Being uniform, I I and aependaMo I I it never po"" I I any of them- I I rfredient used I BY toftf ' TEST 1P0F Sates2 times asmuches ttiatofcmy other Jxvrxt Cuticura Soap Clears the Skin and Keeps it Clear Seip 25c, Ointarnt 25 and 50e, Talcum 25c KEEP EYES WELL! rv" lir. ThomiMon'n Kt Water will lli! Kirnr. Trr. N. V. Luoalrk BOSCHEE'S SYRUP Allays irritation, soothes and heals tbraat and lung inflammation, Ihe constant irritation of a cough keeps the delicate mucus membrane of the Ihmat and lanes in a coasted condition, which liosi MI'S Syrup gently and quickly heals. For this rcaun it has been a favorite household remedy f r colds, coughs, bronchitis and specially for lung trouhl. in million) of homes all over the world for the last fifty-seven fifty-seven years, enabling the patient to obtain i s good night's rest, frfe from coughing ; with easy expectoration In the morning. You caa buy Koscilt't'S SYPJ.1!' herev-r medicines are sold. V. N. U., Salt Lake City, No. 10-194 |