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Show Bingham Society We wish to correct typograp-ical typograp-ical errors which appeared ; in this column last week. : Mrs. W. C. McCarty entertained enter-tained at dinner Wednesday evening ev-ening of last week, Mrs. B." B. Romey, Grand Lecturer of the 0. E. S. of the State of Utah and Mrs. Ada K. Hartonstein, the Grand Worthy Matron of the 0. E. S. of the State of Utah.- Bishop and Mrs. J. A. Wright, Mrs. R. Kenner, Mrs. Masters and Mrs. Cheevers went to Sandy, San-dy, Sunday to attend the Union meeting. , Mrs A. E. Miller was the inspiration in-spiration for a shower at the home of Mrs. Vaugn Christiansen, Christian-sen, Friday night of last week. berg of Salt Lake and Mrs. Edna P. Wade. 'Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Bennett spent the latter part of last week in Salt Lake. Mrs. Lloyd of Magna, was the guest of her son, Mr. Pariey Jones, Sunday. Martha Chapter, 0. E. S., No. 7, Sewing Circle, met with Mrs. Chesler, of Carr Fork, Wednesday Wednes-day afternoon. Fifteen were present. Miss Bessie Hammel and Miss Hull were special guests. . Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Dean and small son, David, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Jones of Heaston Heights. Mrs. W. H. Hull. Mrs; Grant and Mrs. Albert Hull were Sandy visitors Sunday. The Highland Review, No. 17, met at the Highland Boy school house Tuesday evening of last week. W hist was played: Ladies first prize went to Mrs. Joe Ryceek, second to Mrs. Alma ' Jones. Gentleman's first to uarth Jones and second to Mr. Joe Ruttle. A two course supper sup-per was served. A novel feature fea-ture of the evening was the raffling raf-fling of a large center piece donated do-nated by Mrs. Alma Jones. Mrs Frank Wardlow held the lucky number. Mrs. Alma Joies and son, Garth, and Mrs. Joe Erickson spent the week end in Spring-ville. Spring-ville. Mr. and Mrs. Miles Hartman, Miss Hazel Hartman and Miss Viola Bobbins spent Sunday in American Fork. 'Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hocking, Miss Hazel Hartman and Mr. Byron Bird, went to Salt Lake Wednesday evening. Mrs. J. B. Myers and Mrs. Will Myers were hostesses to the Civic Club, Thursday evening even-ing at the home of the former. Mrs. Earl Edwards and Mrs. Jean Edwards spent Monday in Salt Lake. Mrs. Theo Marx was a Salt Lake, visitor, Wednesday afternoon, after-noon, v ' : Miss Edith Asplund spent Wednesday in Salt Lake. The Junior Civic Club met at the home of Miss Lilas McCole-man McCole-man Monday evening. The officers of-ficers are Miss Agnes James, president; Alta Miller, vice president and Miss Leveade Stokes secretary and treasurer. Mrs. Tony Rin0 returned to her home this week after spending spend-ing some time as a patient of a Salt Lake hospital. Five hundred was played. Mrs. L. Dicalle won first prize, Mrs. Watkins second, Mrs. Harry Steele, consolation and Mrs. Jack Household house prize. A late supper was served to Mrs. Jane Jackson, Mrs. Harry Steele Mrs. Jack Whitely,Mrs. Dewey Miller, Mrs. Turny, Mrs . Bob Burk, Mrs. R. Miller, Mrs. E. Shaw,Mrs. Peter Lotts, Mrs. Joe Warning, Mrs. L. DeCalbe, Mrs. J. H. Butler, Mrs. Jack Mitchell, Mrs. Jack Householder, Mrs. Bert Allen, Mrs. Watkins, Mrs. Clarence Watkins, Mrs. Lee Anderson1, An-derson1, Mrs. Emma Nichols, Mrs. W. Jackson, Mrs. L. S. Nichols, Mrs. Alice Atkins, Miss Leota Porter, Mrs. H. Nichols and Mrs. Eugene Morris. Mrs. George Bolman was a Salt Lake visitor Wednesday. Mrs. Will Myers and Mrs. E. J. Jones spent Tuesday in Salt Lake. Mrs. C. J. Johnson and Miss Alfreda Youngberg were the week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Schilling. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Tietjen left Tuesday for Los Angeles, California, Cali-fornia, to make their home. Mr. and Mrs. Will Jones attended at-tended the Salt Lake theatre last Saturday night. Mrs. J. F. Flynn entertained the G. G. G. G. Club at Mah Jongg in honor of Mrs. Joe Man-waring, Man-waring, Tuesday afternoon at her home in Markham., First prizes were won by Mrs. Will Myers, Mrs. Joe Kemp and Mrs. J. D. Schilling. Mrs. Manwar-ing Manwar-ing received the guest prize. The guests included Mrs. Ray Schilling, Mrs. George Bolman, Mrs. Gene Chandler, Mrs. R. G. Frazier, Mrs. W. S. Jones, Mrs. Boyd Bernard, Mrs. J. D. Schilling, Schil-ling, Mrs. Joe Kemp, Mrs. Joe Manwaring, Mrs. H. B. Avens, Mrs. Will Myers and Mrs. Edna P. Wade. Miss Nora Carey was a Salt Lake visitor Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Schilling entertained at Five Hundred in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Man-waring, Man-waring, who will leave soon to make their home in Glendale, California. Ladies high score and guest prize went to Mrs. Joe Manwaring, consolation to Mrs. Jack Kennedy. Gentleman's Gentle-man's first prize to Mr. Jack Kennedy; gentleman's guest prize to Mr. Joe Manwaring, and consolation to Mrs. H. B. Aven. The guests included Mr. and Mrs. Joe Manwaring, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Chandler, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Myers, Mr. and Mrs. George Bolman, Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Bernard, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Able, Mr. and Mrs. Corey Leiser, Mr. and Mrs. II. B. Aven, Mr. and Mrs. Art Maly, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Lyon, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kennedy, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kemp, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wardlow, Mrs. C. J. Johnston of Salt Lake, Miss Alfreda Young- |