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Show , - - THE BINGHAM NEWS , . Washington Headquarters at Chadds Ford :.v..:. &-&- W ! Jm f4'---i &Jotx&s&QF ; This Is the Washington hendqunrtera nt Cliadds Ford, l'u., which Is to become a national shrine, If the nation-wide movement to make It such la successful. It wns here ttn-- t the first Amerlcnn flair was raised over a headquar-ters, by George, Washington, at the Hut tie or r.rnndywlne, Sept. 11. 17T7. Thousands of tourists visit this old building during the vacation season. BRIDGE BUILT TO WITHSTAND FLOODS la certain parta of tbe West and Middle West streams that are ordinar-ily very small become raging torrents after a heavy rain. Since It Is neither practical to build a high-wate- r bridge, because of the cost and the amount of filling that St iff Tvft i SI Concrete Bridges Becoming Popular. would be necessary In a flat, level country, the low-wat- bridge has come to be quite popular. It Is built of concrete and high enough to allow the flood waters of an ordinary rain to pass under It. But more water sends the stream above It and drift and trash are thus floated above It. This removes one of the great dangers to bridges across swlft-risin- g streams. The drift lodges against the piers and forms a dam. The weight of the water behind It de-velops more pressure than the bridge cun stand and It Is destroyed. IV XmmmW ttwMfwfallwj mm. ' Will Your Family Be Happy This Spring? If yours is one of the few remaining families lacking an automobile, no doubt you have finally decided to get one within the next four months. , ' A low-price- d modern automobile like the Chevrolet has be come indispensable to the family of ordinary income. A million other families can easily prove to you that the better way is with Chevrolet. The beauties of nature, the interesting and educational features of other places and ways of living, remain things to read about or seen dimly in cold photographs until you are free to get to them at your convenience and pleasure. But, suppose you have definitely decided to buy a Chevrolet this spring. This does not necessarily mean you are going to get it. Anyone posted on conditions in the automobile business will tell you that thousands of families are going to be unable to get cars this spring. This has been true almost every spring for the last ten years. There are just two ways of making sure of getting your Chevrolet for use when the flowers and balmy breezes of spring lure you to the country roads buy it now or order it now. If you do not want to pay for it in full at this time, any Chevrolet dealer will arrange terms to suit your convenience. You will be surprised to learn how easy it is to pay for a Chevrolet and use it while you are paying for it. Please realize these statements are made by us in good faith and we mean just what we layabout the possible difficulties of getting a car delivered to you this spring if you wait until then to order it. The only way to be sure of a Chevrolet this Spring is to order it NOW. Prices . o. b. Flint, Michigan Superior Roediter . . . $490 Superior Sedan . . . $79 Superior Touring ... 49 Superior Comirterciil CtlMlU 391 Superior Utility Coupe . , 640 Superior Light Delivery . . 495 Superior Coupe . . 725 Utility Expreii Truck Chauie 550 Fuller Bodice on all Cloted Models Chevrolet Motor Company, Detroit, Michigan Division of General Motors Corporation WOMEN! DON'T BE IMPOSED UPON Warning! Not All Package Dyes Are "Diamond Dyes." Always ask for "Diamond Dyes" and If you don't see the name "Diamond Dyes" on the package refuse It hand It back! Each 15-ce- package of "Diamond Dyes" contains directions so simple any woman can dye or tint skirts, dresses, waists, sweaters, stockings, kimonos, coats, draperies, coverings everything new, even If she has never dyed before. Choose any color at drug store. Refuse substitutes! GIRLS! A GLEAMY MASS OF BEAUTIFUL HAIR ' Danderlne" So Improves Life-less, Neglected Hair. An abundance of luxuriant hair full of gloss, f'I gleams and life Jrvfi'j j shortly follows a - genuine toning up V ft - of neglected V? .V--t A scalps with de- - V--v- i. J pendable "Dan-- SWT derlne." A Falling hair, ' I Itching scalp and the dandruff Is cor-rected Immediately. Thin, dry, wispy or fading hair Is quickly Invigorated, taking on new strength, color and youthful beauty. "Dnnderlne" Is de-lightful on the hair; a refreshing stimulating tonic not sticky or greasy Any drug store. Advertisement. A Standard for 90 Years. As a laxative and blood purifier there Is nothing better than Brandreth nils, in use throughout the world. Adv. To you he s worth $2,500 in Prizes THE du Pont Company is offering $2,500 In mtr. prizrs for team and individual scores in an International Crow-Shooti- Contest. Sportsmen in the United States and Canada are eligible. The crow is a destroyer of growing crops and of gam birds. He is a menace and a nuisance. Get biml Send for two, free booklets telling all about the crow. It costs you nothing to enter the contest. Write today for full infermation. E. I. DU PONT DE NEMOURS A CO., INC Jitm'mm Sporting Powder Diviiion WILMINGTON, DEL. a ; SERVI CE Velvet vSa 11VVi Supreme fyfcl in their class. As Smooth asjVelvet. fs'ys" s Write for trial tamph fik'ZhZ American Lead Pencil CoNew York American Jackies Visit Ports of the Virgin Islands .' ir .v: r II A tFxrnr'' , V , c VX' t On the way from the battle maneuvers off l'anama the United States war-ships stopped, at the Virgin Islands, visiting neveral of the liurbora in the group. '"- - , The men wei'e allowed sliore leaves and enjoyed themselves Immensely. Some of them are here seen In the town of Dewey, Culebra Island. y h ' ',' ' -- I A ' ' It's easier to descend from our an-cestors than It Is to rise above them. Hairs on Man's Head Forty to fifty thousand hairs Is the crop on the average man's head, ac-cording to Investigations conducted by professors of the Munich university. BALKAN REBEL LEADER Sit , v , nr9 v s ' ' " K .V i h ' 2 V, - v' V) kl Aleco l'asha is leader of the .Mac-edonian revolutionary movement lu Jugu-Klnvl- who led a revolt .against the terms of the treaty of Neullly nwnrfllng most of the territory Inhab-ited by Macedonians to Greece and .luo-Slavla- . "Lincoln's Suit" Sold at Auction ( I If V- - . if ? - v 'If " : vt' v r - r 1 r s 't : i y III I ' 1 r --si - dtp1 d I f. . '. ' 4 - f. AXl-vXJ..'- n I i r-- v s l S. V. Ilenkel of 1'hiladelphla Is here seen holding the suit which he. sold ut auction the other day us that worn by President Lincoln when lie was shot by Jloi.th. It Is stained with blood nnd Ihe cuts In the coat were said to have been made .y the physicians to get nt the wound. Hut the Chicago Historical socletjhas what It believes to he the suit Lincoln wore that fatal night, and lias itl'iilavit to support Its claim. Tou will never err If you listen to your own suggestions. Improved Highways Soon Repay Original Cost A good road Is such a paying in-vestment that It Is the poorest kind of business Judgment to do without It, according to the bureau of public roads of the United States Department of Agriculture. The bureau produces figures based upon a survey of traffic In Connecticut to prove Its contention. Aa actual count of the traffic on the Boston post road showed that the average weight of vehicles nnd com-modities passing over tbe road In nine hours each day was 1,140 tons. Add-ing one-thir- d as a conservative esti-mate for the full day Increases the weight to 1,50 gross tons dally. Experiments made at the Iowa ex-periment station show that with gaso-line at 24 cents a gallon the cost of moving this tonnage over a dirt road would have been $2d.4l a mile, assum-ing the Impossible, that such tralilc could be carried over a dirt road. The cost of fuel for moving the same tonnage over a paved road would be $11.70, a difference of $14.74 u day. On the basis of 200 days a year, the actual saving l;i fuel alone for moving this tonnage would be $t,4'J2. If the paved highway costs $10,000 a mile, the average interest at 5 per cent would be lfl.000 a year, which, de-ducted from the saving on fuel, would leave a balance which would retire the cost of the road In les than twelve years. This calculation does not taUcj Into account other savings in the cost of operat'ng commercial vehicles or value of the heavy movement of passenger vehicles. In less developed rural sections the value of the gasoline saved Is reduced In proportion to the lighter travel, but the cost of the roads Is corr spondlng'y reduced, ami there Is no dor.bt that an analysis and compari-son of the highway costs and the ve-hicle operating cost In any particular ci:sc will demonstrate the economy of Improvement wherever the tralilc Is ulUclent to call for any Improvement ut all. We'd Never Thought of That Small Girl Mummy, how do angeis get their nighties on over their wings? London Bussing Show. A true benefactor is one who makes us do the best we can. KILLED HIS FAMILY v tzL ....yB I rani; McDowell, the nineteen year-old youth now in Jail in St. Peters-burg, l'la., where he confessed to bav-ins shot his parents to dentil recently and also admitted that too set the fire which resulted In the death of his sis-ters, Marian and Wllliainateeii, a year iik'o In Decatur, C,a., where the family then lived. Ills explanation of the lxurdera Indicates that be Is reli-gious maniac. Rioters Keep Tckyo Police Busy 1 V , V, " M '' 1 ? . ft f r-nr-:X it, ' V - -- J , J ; s --v. , ' 1 III , ' ,k " P -- -if r j r- - 7 v- . - . a m . . . , . , , t - y There have U'en numerous outbreaks of the covernment's opponents In Japan recently. Police of Tokyo are here Been cliargin;,' on a moli, one of whose member has been caught by them. Improvement Started on Two Important Highways State Highway Director L. A. lion-la- y announces that work on the unim-proved portion of the Ohio river roud, between Hamilton and Helmont coun-ties, a disiatn-- of over :vm miles. Is getting nniler way and tiuit the entire route will be open for trafile by the end of 10J1. Local material will be used, gravel !eltl2 dreih'cd from the Ohio river nnd crushed stone brini: obtained fmin quarries opened tip along the route. Work on the Atlantic & Pacific di-vision which extend fr.im I'inejnnatl o Irotiloii. is to' he Inaugurated in a few weeks nl Point Pleasant, the birth-place of fbii.iMl lra;it in Clermont county, lie said. Better Roads Encoura.c:2 Farmers to Buy New Cars Cooil roads and more of them Is a temptation that fanncs cannot resist, and tlice treat concrete ribbons are betnt; litillt nt the rate of approximate-ly '.'I i.i km miles per year, with no in-dications of the work diminishing, deport from dealers throughout tits country are to the effect that farm-ers have already beuun plncln orders for piiKsetiKer cars and tnntis for spring deliveries 'u jjrciitcr volume, |