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Show Copper field Brevities Miss Brittamart Gerrans of Salt Lake was the guest of Miss Mabel and Ruby, Knudsen last week end. . Miss Rose Cunliffe and Miss Roy Barnett were the guests of the former's son, J. E. Cunliffe, and family, Monday. Among the Copperfield folks who motored to the basket ball ' tournament Wednesday were Mr -and Mrs,. Fred Turner and fami- . ly, Misses Ruby and Mabel Knudsen, George' and1 Elmer Knudsen, Robert Colyar, Mr. and Fred Anderson. , ,;, and Fred Anderson, .. Alex Furlong spent last week end in Salt Lake visiting his ' daughter Isabell Harmon. ' Mrs. J. H. Bullock entertained the Good v Time Club at her home Monday evening. Fiv Hundred was played, the prize winners being as follows : Ladies first Miss Annie McDonald, consolation, con-solation, Mrs. Pearl McDonald. Genfs first, Joe McDonald; consolation, con-solation, Drew Stubbs. A three course luncheon was served to Mr. and Mrs. G. McDonald, Mr. and Mrs. P. Dougherty, Mr. and Mrs. James McDonald, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Pierce, Mr. and Mrs. H. Bullock, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mc-Donald, Mc-Donald, Mrs. Mary Butler, Geo. Pope, Charles Pierce,Sen., and Drew Stubbs. . Mrs. Ernest Poulson and son, Keith, and Mrs. Bert Byrnes left Monday for a visit with relatives rel-atives at Fairview and Mount Pleasant. - - t Mrs. O. E. Jones and son, Clyde, were Salt Lake visitors Saturday. .. . . . .,JMrs,..W. Davis returned to her home at Tooele Saturday after"" a few weeks visit here with her daughter Mrs. W. Summerville, and family. Miss Weatha Rogers who is in , training at St. Marks hospital spent Saturday here with her , parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Rog- . ers, at the Telegraph. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Bullock ' Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bullock, and Mr. and Mrs. Hy Bullock' were Pleasant Grove visitors this week,. where they were - called by the death of a relative. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Cunliffe and . Fred Anderson spent Thursday with relatives at Crescent. ' H. B. Aven, G. P. Johnson and Dewey Knudsen attended the ' annual election of officers and ' ? T entertainment held in the new " Elks home in Salt Lake Wednes- ? . ' day evening. :- . ; Mr .and Mrs. Julian Colyar and family have arrived here from ' Ogden to make their home, " John E. Brocklebank was a V Salt Lake visitor last week end. ' Miss Gertrude Colyar was the honor guest at a party given by her parents Thursday evening ' of last week. The occasion being her eighteenth birthday ' anniversary. Games were' played and refreshments served. The guests numbered 16, and many beautiful gifts were received re-ceived by the guest of honor. Mrs. Tom Wilson and two sons were Salt Lake visitors Fri- r day. |